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Everything posted by canderson

  1. I want video of the Seymour tornado. Its metrics are off the charts and radar is wiiiiild
  2. That cell NW of Seymour TX is insane. Edit: and now PDS warned
  3. 80/80 probason that TDS watch in OK/TX. Geeeez
  4. Not even wet enough to make dirt look dark.
  5. Nothing here yet but a solid line of showers is quickly approaching
  6. No offense but I’d probably commit him to an insane asylum! (to be fair Cypress can be devoid of any personality but I saw Radiohead at the pavilion in 1997 and it changed my life so ya know lol)
  7. Going to be a long day for Oklahoma*. Convection at 9 am is a bad omen. * to be fair every day of the year is a long day in Oklahoma because it sucks
  8. 64 at 2:30 - it's a beauty. Driving down to Philly tonight for a concert, glad it'll be cool and dry. Just hoping all my friends and family in Texas don't get Dorothy'd.
  9. Da fuck? Sandy tore off all my facia and had water pouring through my windows. I had s $9,000 insurance damage because Sandy.
  10. It’s been a very very quiet severe season - instability with high clouds every time CAPE gets a chance to happen. We’ll see.
  11. That was one of the most impressive storm missed I’ve ever seen here in Harrisburg. It literally lifted at 81 and rained past 83.
  12. Check it out this weekwnd for my parents near the TX/LA border. Signals for bad tornadoes there.
  13. 70 at 3:30 with strong S winds reaching 28 mph
  14. We have a trip planned to the Maritime provinces in September and I’m feeling sure it gets canceled because wildfires. Canada has warned they will be worse than last year.
  15. Should be good - some models have some rain but I don’t buy it at the moment.
  16. Agreed! The momma had 4 or 5 dead babies in her.
  17. We're going to take it to West Shore Wildlife Rescue. Possums are great animals, this is so sad. Poor momma.
  18. We just rescued a baby possum. Momma is dead in the front of the house but the baby is in a box and blanket and bottle.
  19. 36 was the low. No frost. Going to be a beauty of a day - mid 60s.
  20. Ya hence the weird because it’s not humid out. Maybe radiant heat from the ground or something.
  21. I’m at 54 and it feels kinda humid somehow
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