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Everything posted by canderson

  1. Looking at radar, rain - even if its intermittent sometimes - isn't stopping from a Chambersburg to Harrisburg to Pottsville and SE line anytime soon.
  2. CTP is sticking to their "it's def going to rain today" stance.
  3. CTP has me with a 90% chance of rain tomorrow. Happy They’re more confident than I!
  4. I’m a journalist - math isn’t my strong suit
  5. It is really dark out but no rain on radar within 90 miles. Weird.
  6. That storm in the gulf is a hurricane now. Tampa’s gonna get it.
  7. This storm exploded overhead in 5 minutes. Very weird - no rain reached the ground for a while but now it's pouring. Edit: It rained for 3 minutes, got less than .05" but prob saves me from having to water the garden later.
  8. The above average squares would make a good bingo card. Jesus.
  9. Think you need to be in far, far eastern PA to see anything severe today.
  10. Do we have any rotator cuff surgeons in the house?
  11. Saw MDT hit 90. Kinda a big spread close around, I bet today is more in line around 95-97.
  12. Hit 89 for the high today, but it got quite humid.
  13. Heat advisory tomorrow for Dauphin, Lebanon, Cumberland, York, Adam’s and Lancaster counties. Prob get one Wednesday too.
  14. Yea sounds like I live in Fallujah. If I were tsar, all fireworks would be illegal.
  15. Cursory glance looks like it’ll be fine most the day - storms prob move in in the afternoon as whatever Elsa is approaches. She’s not much of a storm right now.
  16. That’s the one that nailed me. It moved basically due south, very unusual.
  17. Tuesday some of us might make a run at 100 again.
  18. This cell hitting me right now is quite strong. Heavy rain and even some thunder.
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