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Posts posted by TheBudMan

  1. Wiz - Ring of Fire, MCSs rolling down from UP or Michigan or are we too close to right under the bubble ?   Plus Rev doesn't like it as it'll shunt anything from the tropics into the coast south of us. 

  2. Had a bunch of work done on my house over the last several months that dug up the lawn.  Spread 20 yards of screened loam last weekend then 40 lbs of seed Sunday night.  Soil temp is good but obviously bone dry.  Trying to water 2x a day and hoping the seed will take.   Could sure use a wheel of rhea right about now :unsure:  

  3. 1 hour ago, weatherwiz said:

    This is a decent look for EML advection. Maybe the final week of May/first week of June will be active...and of course THAT'S THE WEEKS MY FRIEND AND I CHASE BUT WE CAN'T THIS YEAR



    God help you if you post a 384 hr map in January showing a HECS.  Wiz will rip you a new one.   But in May it's perfectly acceptable to post a 384 hr map showing nice breezy W-E flow.    OK 

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  4. 4 hours ago, weatherwiz said:

    Not the start to May I was hoping for. Just praying and hoping that as the pattern does change we'll see a solid severe threat with it. 


    Can't wait for a good Wizzy meltdown when its May20 and we haven't had a classic SNE severe 30 mph storm yet 

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  5. 4 hours ago, Damage In Tolland said:

    Staying in Bangor tonight and downtown Portland tomorrow night. I figured it was mainly bare Or will be after today , all up along 95 to Bangor , so that confirms that . I hope to see some near Skow


    Kevin I know I am late to this but get some Swish or Substance if you've never had Bissell Brothers before.   Awesome beer ! 

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  6. 3 minutes ago, weatherwiz said:

    That is huge and the biggest question. Seems like this may happen in just enough time to produce the good in E MA up through coastal ME 


    right over my :weenie: while Ray smokes cirrus ! 



    • Haha 1
  7. 6 minutes ago, 40/70 Benchmark said:

    How much you have on the ground? I know it got slushy there..did it rain?

    I know you're not asking me Ray but where I am we had about 6.5 then it went over to rain.  Flipped back to snow around 8 this morning and has been mood snow all day.   Hoping to get 9 inches  (Sharon Abernathy is requesting I edit this post) 

    • Thanks 2
  8. Can't believe no one asked yet what Fella thought of the 33' storm    :P


    Mostly a lurker here but been though enough winters now to realize that the more cold and boring November is the more it sets up good for the real months.   Hope we get some real doozies this winter. 

  9. mm...  That's not the good season, imho.  The good season is when the season f'n gets good.   
    This endless blathering of pointless minutia by psychotropically enslaved phone-zombies is emptied of value, and many pages of it is a special kind of hell - but hey, at least Apple and Android or wealthy, huh.
    But, that's just the way I feel about a dumb-down "Twit" ospheric ambit of a cultural, more and more so pedestrian'ed by morons unwittingly in wait for the lights to turn out before they realize that they've been stupefied to the brink of their very ability to survive in the absence of these devices.
    Seriously, the whole world is digital ... too digital to be safe or representative of any kind of foresight and provisional awareness of the future.  Nothing's in print, certainly not ubiquitously enough. When the Carrington Event hits again ( and recent research has exposed that not only are they more frequent from our particular start than previously thought, our star is also capable of far greater storm magnitudes ), no one is going to be able to make potable water.  90 % of the population in these Western cultures, does not really know how to live off the land ( and that's the whole spectrum of provision resourcing, flora successfully with the Earth, supplemented by successful fauna ), nor has much of any clue what to do next - seeing as we are multi-generation buried inside the conveniences of this post Industrial Revolution bubble of fragile conveniences. F! we only think it's robust, because time creates a faux security, as though it is somehow more resilient than it really is. 
    No washing machines...  No dryers.  No toasters. No refrigerators.  No lights.  Most likely ...no home heating for the majority.  No phones.  No satellite, nor all the subsequent codependencies societies of modern ilk have become completely and utterly reliant upon.  No big medicine or pharma...   
    Each one of those "No   xxx"  is a header for a spectrum of hells beneath them, too.  Man, ... it strikes me in a nervy way as someone who thinks about this shit an awful lot, whenever someone connects the concepts of 'good' with that vapidity of all that really is NOT offered by these conceits of technology, and the assumptions and entitlements that come with it all. 
    Breakfast mushrooms for Tip ? WTF
  10. 36 minutes ago, CoastalWx said:

    SSTs are getting amazing. Some of you land locked peeps should go after it. 


    Very high SSTs and a deep trough getting established as we get into mid-August.   Sounds like the ducks are on the pond for RevKev and James dreams to come true. 


    I have a nest under a metal garden hose holder.  Have sprayed several cans of Raid on it without much success.  Poked the nest with a long tomato stake earlier this week and almost knocked the whole nest down.  Checked it out today and they've almost built the whole nest back.  They are amazingly persistent creatures. 

  12. Just went to store.  In front of me a guy with his arm hanging out the open window.   Immediately thought of RevKev and started laughing. 

    Burly men with hairy arms hanging out of car window today kind of a day  :P

    • Haha 1
  13. 5 hours ago, weatherwiz said:

    Wonder if we can pop a few elevated bad boys Friday afternoon with a bit of elevated instability present. 


    Preach Wiz !  It's your time !!

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