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Now we know who pays our trolls


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A bit more revelation as to what is going on in the head of the snake.


Lindzen sure does have the best quote of all time regarding the cult of global warming:

"I think it's mainly just like little kids locking themselves in dark closets to see how much they can scare each other and themselves."

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what the hell are you talking about? It;s like you live in an alternate universe. Gleick is the only one who has a damaged reputation. Nobody else. Nobody is being paid to say anything. What the hell are you talking about?


Uhhhh.......thats the whole point of the Heartland operation.

This is either monumentally stupid or a direct application of the Big Lie technique.

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Copied from the thread 2012 Global Temperatures

Post #125

snapback.pngWeatherRusty, on 27 February 2012 - 08:26 AM, said:

Correct! Unlike the aforementioned individuals (a sample of 16 prominent skeptics), I am biased toward, or favor consensus science over that of, politics, ideology and personal gain. We are all biased. Some for better, some for worse!

HERE you will find an extensive list of prominent skeptics/deniers of AGW together with their documented background biases.


Look up the name Peter Gleick......

What I find on WIKI is no mention of any association to political think tanks or industry. Only that he is a scientist who loves water and studies the effects of global change.

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Or four mindless, cosmic forces...

Makes it a true statement.


I was looking for a metaphor for the Wikipedia editing process on controversial issues - when entries can change rapidly and randomly depending on activity of larger (usually political) forces. - I came up with that storm because I remember it well and drove around crossing the coastal front, marveling at it.

If there is a literary allusion - I'm missing it here!

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I was looking for a metaphor for the Wikipedia editing process on controversial issues - when entries can change rapidly and randomly depending on activity of larger (usually political) forces. - I came up with that storm because I remember it well and drove around crossing the coastal front, marveling at it.

If there is a literary allusion - I'm missing it here!

The four fundamental forces in nature which every interaction between bits of matter from the tinniest particle to the entire universe are manifestations of. Everything that happens to matter on any scale can be ascribed to those four forces.

They are in order of strength and range of influence:

Strong nuclear force...short range

Weak nuclear force...short range

Electromagnetism....infinite range

Gravity---infinite range

The energy driving the storm was produced by the strong nuclear force in the core of the Sun. The energy traveled to Earth as electromagnetic energy. The storm was created and guided down to the tinniest detail by material interactions involving gravity and electromagnetism at Earth's near surface.

With enough information every motion of that coastal front could theoretically be forecast.

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The four fundamental forces in nature which every interaction between bits of matter from the tinniest particle to the entire universe are manifestations of. Everything that happens to matter on any scale can be ascribed to those four forces.

They are in order of strength and range of influence:

Strong nuclear force...short range

Weak nuclear force...short range

Electromagnetism....infinite range

Gravity---infinite range

The energy driving the storm was produced by the strong nuclear force in the core of the Sun. The energy traveled to Earth as electromagnetic energy. The storm was created and guided down to the tinniest detail by material interactions involving gravity and electromagnetism at Earth's near surface.

With enough information every motion of that coastal front could theoretically be forecast.

Don't tell the butterflies!

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Don't tell the butterflies!

Chaos theory complicates things such that knowing every last detail is in all practically impossible. Even the slightest change in initial conditions can alter the outcome.

That is not to say the system involved is not deterministic in nature however. The events are not random. They follow from cause to effect. IF you could know the initial conditions precisely, you could predict accurately the outcome. Even the act of observation can change the initial conditions as can the flapping of butterfly wings. This effectively means there are limitations to how precisely we can take measurements and predict outcomes. However, most of the time, close is good enough.

At the quantum level, things really do happen randomly and without cause. The only reality is probability or likelihood.

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The four fundamental forces in nature which every interaction between bits of matter from the tinniest particle to the entire universe are manifestations of. Everything that happens to matter on any scale can be ascribed to those four forces.

They are in order of strength and range of influence:

Strong nuclear force...short range

Weak nuclear force...short range

Electromagnetism....infinite range

Gravity---infinite range

The energy driving the storm was produced by the strong nuclear force in the core of the Sun. The energy traveled to Earth as electromagnetic energy. The storm was created and guided down to the tinniest detail by material interactions involving gravity and electromagnetism at Earth's near surface.

With enough information every motion of that coastal front could theoretically be forecast.

I know, I know. Didn't pick it up. Those are usually the type of allusions that I make

It hurts, being outnerded by someone.............

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Chaos theory complicates things such that knowing every last detail is in all practically impossible. Even the slightest change in initial conditions can alter the outcome.

That is not to say the system involved is not deterministic in nature however. The events are not random. They follow from cause to effect. IF you could know the initial conditions precisely, you could predict accurately the outcome. Even the act of observation can change the initial conditions as can the flapping of butterfly wings. This effectively means there are limitations to how precisely we can take measurements and predict outcomes. However, most of the time, close is good enough.

At the quantum level, things really do happen randomly and without cause. The only reality is probability or likelihood.

Holy Heisenberg, Beatified Brown and My Mandelbrodt!

Shall I add Good Gleick, to keep things on topic?

Funny how Gleick keeps surfacing whenever one points out Heartland's nefarious funding practices.

It's a bit like a medieval maiden warding off a vampire with a crucifix.............

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Cross posted from the Cuccinelli thread

As usual, you troll a thread and post nothing but empty nonsense.

The most recent IPCC report, AR4, had Mann paleoclimate reconstruction, i.e. the "Hockey Stick", in section 6.6 The Last 2,000 Years. The next edition of the IPCC report, AR5, is not due to be released until 2013 and I am sure it will discuss paleoclimate reconstructions, too. Strike 1!

Of course people know what data and methodology Mann used - how on Earth do you think McIntyre & McKitrick did their botched review, or how other independent teams have validated Mann's reconstruction? Here's what the IPCC wrote about that:

McIntyre and McKitrick (2003) reported that they were unable to replicate the results of Mann et al. (1998). Wahl and Ammann (2007) showed that this was a consequence of differences in the way McIntyre and McKitrick (2003) had implemented the method of Mann et al. (1998) and that the original reconstruction could be closely duplicated using the original proxy data. McIntyre and McKitrick (2005a, raised further concerns about the details of the Mann et al. (1998) method, principally relating to the independent verification of the reconstruction against 19th-century instrumental temperature data and to the extraction of the dominant modes of variability present in a network of western North American tree ring chronologies, using Principal Components Analysis. The latter may have some theoretical foundation, but Wahl and Amman (2006) also show that the impact on the amplitude of the final reconstruction is very small (~0.05°C; for further discussion of these issues see also Huybers, 2005; McIntyre and McKitrick, 2005c,d; von Storch and Zorita, 2005).

So your second sentence is completely bogus too. Strike 2!

The divergence problem with one tree ring proxy series out the the large number of proxies used in Mann's climate reconstruction was pointed out by - wait for it - Mann himself. Nobody hid anything, all of the details were published in the methodology. All data falls short of perfection - and proxy data sometimes is questionable quality - so Mann used what was reliable, excluded what was unreliable, and annotated the record to explain what was done. That's how good science works. And you seem determined to ignore the fact that other researchers have reproduced Mann's results by using other sets of proxies. Your third assertion is simply totally wrong. Strike 3, you're OUT!

Nice comprehensive rebuttal.

It is so comprehensive that it even raises questions as to whether Heartland could be open to civil lawsuits on behalf of Mann and other scientists being harassed by the Heartland funded campaign on the grounds of malicious mischief and/or libel.

I don't suppose that Cuccinelli would have exposure here, nor would the actual trolls funded to do the harassing (although in Britain this might be different). But Heartland? Maybe it would depend on what the actual marching orders to the "troops" were.

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Well, it's been a month since the release of the Heartland documents so it may be timely to update this thread. Since the documents were released on Valentine's Day:

The Heartland Institute has admitted that all but one of the documents are real but claim that the 2 page strategy memo is a forgery.

Dr Peter Gleick admitted that he was the one who released the documents. He said that the strategy memo was mailed to him earlier in 2012 by an anonymous Heartland insider, and that he got the rest of the documents by posing as a Heartland board member and requesting that they be emailed to him.

Dr Gleick temporarily stepped down as head of the Pacific Institute.

Analyses of the alleged forgery were performed multiple times using an attribution analysis tool, JGAAP, and the results consistently point to Heartland director Joe Bast as the strategy memo's author. Heartland still insists the memo is a forgery.

After GM is revealed to be a donor to Heartland a flood of protest causes GM to pull its support.

Dr Gleick resumes lecturing.

What I find most interesting is what hasn't happened. Despite conservative commentators accusing Dr Gleick of every crime imaginable - from identity theft to supporting Al Queda - no criminal charges have been filed against him, nor has the Heartland Institute filed a civil suit against him. Why is that do you suppose? Are all prosecutors, (except of course Cuccinelli) part of some conspiracy? Or, crazy as it sounds, is posing as someone else deceptive and unprofessional but not unlawful?

But Heartland can file a civil suit whether or not Dr Gleick is charged with a crime - so why haven't they? Could be they've decided to forgive and forget. That they realize Dr Gleick is a heck of a guy and they feel he's suffered enough. Maybe. Or, it could be that they realize that if they sue Dr Gleick then Bast, Watts, Singer, Idso et al will have to testify under oath - and maybe they are reluctant to do that for some reason. It's a mystery.

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But Heartland can file a civil suit whether or not Dr Gleick is charged with a crime - so why haven't they? Could be they've decided to forgive and forget. That they realize Dr Gleick is a heck of a guy and they feel he's suffered enough. Maybe. Or, it could be that they realize that if they sue Dr Gleick then Bast, Watts, Singer, Idso et al will have to testify under oath - and maybe they are reluctant to do that for some reason. It's a mystery.

Perhaps the costs of going through the discovery process might be prohibitive to Heartland. Much more might ultimately be revealed about the organization's climate change related goals, tactics, and operations than what was made public through Dr. Gleick's actions. Heartland may have too much to lose from trying to pursue legal recourse. Of course, that's only one possible scenario.

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Perhaps the costs of going through the discovery process might be prohibitive to Heartland. Much more might ultimately be revealed about the organization's climate change related goals, tactics, and operations than what was made public through Dr. Gleick's actions. Heartland may have too much to lose from trying to pursue legal recourse. Of course, that's only one possible scenario.

Just a WAG but after the discovery process caused so much damage to tobacco concerns, I doubt that Heartland wants anything to do with it. Easier to flood the airwaves with threats than to chance having more revealed if you actually proceed legally.

Many donors it seems do not want their name publicly associated with such an organization. I assume that those who had donated with the understanding that their support would remain anonymous are now upset that they have been outed and are furious that Heartland did not do more to keep their involvement secret. I wonder how many are still willing to risk their reputation by continuing their association?

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Just a WAG but after the discovery process caused so much damage to tobacco concerns, I doubt that Heartland wants anything to do with it. Easier to flood the airwaves with threats than to chance having more revealed if you actually proceed legally.

Many donors it seems do not want their name publicly associated with such an organization. I assume that those who had donated with the understanding that their support would remain anonymous are now upset that they have been outed and are furious that Heartland did not do more to keep their involvement secret. I wonder how many are still willing to risk their reputation by continuing their association?

Heartland would be playing Oscar Wilde to Gleick's Marquess of Queensberry.

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  • 1 month later...


It seems right to resurrect this conversation about how Heartland spends its money.

And how they drive the skeptic misinformation machine. Ever wonder where the skeptic talking points come from? Who develops them? Heartland is a conservative 'think tank'.

Here is a list of Heartland Institute associated 'climate scientists' and creators of the propaganda that reads like a who's who of climate skepticm elite:

I'm sure most of you recognize many familiar names in that list of Heartland advisors.


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And how they drive the skeptic misinformation machine. Ever wonder where the skeptic talking points come from? Who develops them? Heartland is a conservative 'think tank'.

Here is a list of Heartland Institute associated 'climate scientists' and creators of the propaganda that reads like a who's who of climate skepticm elite:

I'm sure most of you recognize many familiar names in that list of Heartland advisors.


those people must make your blood boil

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Someone not to long ago proclaimed, "it is what it is"!

You're right though, I don't appreciate dishonesty. Do you?

I don't appreciate dishonesty from either side. Both sides are guilty of that. I find it funny people are up in arms over what Heartland put out (and it was in bad taste) but you don't hear much outcry when AGW supporters make similar statements.

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I don't appreciate dishonesty from either side. Both sides are guilty of that. I find it funny people are up in arms over what Heartland put out (and it was in bad taste) but you don't hear much outcry when AGW supporters make similar statements.

The only thing I can recall from the Realist side that is in any way similar to Heartland's garbage was the 'push the button' commercials of about a year ago. They were justifiably criticized by anybody with any sense. But those were produced by a fringe group, not mainstream climate science supporters.

What other extreme statements or ads from those who support the science can you share with us?

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The only thing I can recall from the Realist side that is in any way similar to Heartland's garbage was the 'push the button' commercials of about a year ago. They were justifiably criticized by anybody with any sense. But those were produced by a fringe group, not mainstream climate science supporters.

What other extreme statements or ads from those who support the science can you share with us?

I don't know if I would label the other side "realist" or not, but that's just me. Maybe "Theorists" would be better. Didn't Gore compare climate skeptics to racists? Didn't Bernie Sanders say they were like Nazi sympathizers? Didn't Steve Zwick of Forbes write that deniers should be hunted down and their homes burned to the ground? RFK Jr. saying climate deniers should be tried as traitors? There has been plenty of inflammatory rhetoric from the theorists side as well.

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I don't appreciate dishonesty from either side. Both sides are guilty of that. I find it funny people are up in arms over what Heartland put out (and it was in bad taste) but you don't hear much outcry when AGW supporters make similar statements.

All you get from the denialist side is dishonesty. Its all a bunch of carefully crafted lies paid for by companies who profit from polluting the planet. That and the brainwashed ditto-heads that mindlessly repeat the lies over and over again, even after they have been debunked.

Unfortunately propaganda works on a large portion of the population.

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If Irving Janis was still alive, he could use this thread and many of it's participants for a case study.

I plead guilty. I am a proud member of scientific "groupthink". I prefer over all other alternatives, scientifically derived explanations for the mysteries of our world. This includes AGW.

The other side of the public AGW argument also engages in "groupthink". What are the common factors shared by the members of that group?

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All you get from the denialist side is dishonesty. Its all a bunch of carefully crafted lies paid for by companies who profit from polluting the planet. That and the brainwashed ditto-heads that mindlessly repeat the lies over and over again, even after they have been debunked.

Unfortunately propaganda works on a large portion of the population.

From my perspective, there are two versions of denier.

1) The totally disingenuous.

2) Those whose ideological world view logically and honestly fails to permit an acceptance of AGW. They are subconsciously predisposed to reject anything which, for example, seems to threaten free market capitalism or involves big government intervention..

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