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Posts posted by #NoPoles

  1. Awesome pics everyone! I drove north on rt 3 and pulled over on the side of the road in North Stratton at a big leechfield site. Super flat area, great view. Shared it was a couple in their 80s and a younger man in his 20s. The older couple didn't have glasses so we all shared. I had a blast. And when totality happened, you could hear clapping and cheering from everyone else in general area. 

    A double ups tractor trailer was driving by when totality hit and it got dark. The driver immediately pulled over and jumped out to watch. He was ecstatic.

    I think the other amazing thing about this eclipse is that even though there were so many people crowded in together and traffic was a disaster, everyone was really happy and positive. So weird to hear people talking about being stuck for hours in traffic but to be so up beat about the whole thing and saying how it was worth it and they would gladly do it again.

    Imagine if people were generally happy or in a decent mood all the time??? I think we would be so much kinder and gentler with each other

    Can you imagine how different this forum would be if everyone were happier? This thread is amazing. So different from the weather threads where everyone is tearing into each other.

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  2. North Conway area eastward into ME got hit hard. Large area of power loss. 

    Looks like the radar Denrite posted is showing rhem get upslope, and Attitash looks like it is getting smoked.

    Cranmore is already closed for the season. Attitash is going into their final weekend of the season.

    This has been a long duration storm and they are saying it will be days until that area has power 100% restored 

  3. Bretton Woods Area picked up 18-24 inches, nice and light and easy to clean up. Same with Bartlett and North Conway. Wildcst reports 30inches at the base and more as you go up in elevation.


    Sunshine and blue skies all day today. Parking lots were packed at Bretton Woods, Attitash, and Cranmore. Ski it while you can!

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  4. Not S+ here either, but decent. Though the surprise 6 inches we got the other night, the rate was much more intense. Also far enough north that this snow is light and fluffy, and not heavy and wet. Very hopeful that there won't be many power outages up this way

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