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Everything posted by TUweathermanDD

  1. Got 52 for the two storms, and I had a peak depth of like 42. Interestingly, places like manchester had more because they had snow snow snow snow, same as here but jan 30 and feb 2-3 melted. The 12 days in all, 63"
  2. Don't worry katie, he's not. Absolutely not. This is the mid-atlantic thread, Isaac is in the tropical thread, there are earthquakes near Isaac and that's why Adam thinks its not developing. Give him a break. "1. Cross thread trolling will not be permitted on the weather side. If you are in a region other than your own with the sole purpose of starting trouble, you will be suspended without question."
  3. Definitely just felt a shake, surely hallucinating, cuz nothing reported.
  4. Do you mean in association with the 4.5 aftershock or something else?
  5. Thats pretty significant, surprised we havent seen more aftershocks, thought there'd be a few more.
  6. Ian I've heard stupid info on the news an aftershock is expected today due to it being 24 hours ago involving something in relation to the fault, any credibility to the news people?
  7. Few schools damaged in the area here around Baltimore County.
  8. Felt something real slight here down the street from ya, strong aftershock in actuality, deeper, could be another sizable one for us in store (4.5ish)
  9. Still can't grasp where the potential that this was just a foreshock, but hey if the director of the USGS says it, then I guess I should think about. Could take up to one week if it was.
  10. Agree man, but don't you have the power to help me? Or find out for me at least?

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