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About 87storms

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  1. The Vegas rain shadow is like Stephen’s city except in all directions. Can see some thunderheads to nearby but nada. Pretty tolerable heat so far with the breeze.
  2. Sunny, but hazy here in the Vegas valley…currently 99/33 lol. Gonna be spicy the next few days. Wildfire smoke is from Oregon/Northern Cal, I believe. Hopefully that’s not a prolonged thing. The hot, crispy summer across the US continues.
  3. Productive rainer with even some rumbles in the distance.
  4. Looks like the severe threat is waning up here, but still some yellows and oranges around.
  5. Just noticed they included the wv imagery in there. Definitely making some dents in the precip deficit around here.
  6. We seem to live in two different microclimates lol
  7. Getting flash flooding vibes. Pouring here now, but places east might have issues if this rain train continues.
  8. Starting to get chippy out here after a brief lull.
  9. Some violent lightning strikes close by. You definitely do not want to be out in this one.
  10. Healthy storm just to my south with vitamin loaded lightning.
  11. Pretty sure I got bullseyed here by a lightning core on the southern end of that main batch. Was on the phone so couldn’t take vid, but it was straight out of the cg handbook.
  12. One of the more prolific lightning displays I’ve seen here. Heck of a storm.
  13. Not sure what temp Frederick reached, but I thought it was tolerable. Certainly hot/humid, but it’s been a little worse at times this summer.
  14. Snoozer of a tropical season so far…again. We’re really just in a generally long term boring weather pattern at this point and droughts are a byproduct.
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