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Posts posted by Hitman

  1. On 5/15/2024 at 9:11 AM, IrishRob17 said:

    God morning, is there anybody alive out there?! Up to .52" for this event. 2.70" for the month so its looking like another above normal month here. My son got married at Notre Dame on 5/4/24, a fantastic weekend all around! The weather turned out great out there that day. My son and daughter-in-law are doing it again this Sunday in NJ for all friends and family (Notre Dame was a relatively small affair). Hoping the rain gets out of here by Sunday afternoon.  


    I can't deal with this freaking rain anymore

    • Thanks 1
  2. On 4/6/2024 at 2:52 PM, gravitylover said:

    Thanks Rob. We didn't have the greatest relationship and for the last year or so he wasn't texting much because he couldn't always remember how. I did go to see him pretty often, we'd sit and talk,maybe get a bite at his favorite diner but what does a sick 80 year old guy really want to do? Sit and be left alone. I was even further from my mom. That said, it's going to be an adjustment not having either of them to lean on when no one else wants to listen and other stuff... Hey, he went on his terms and that's what was important to him and now it doesn't hurt anymore.

    Sorry for your loss

  3. 23 minutes ago, vtski said:
    On 3/29/2024 at 8:54 PM, psuhoffman said:
    [mention=3254]vtski[/mention] and why are they replacing a triple that works fine when they have major infrastructure issues on Ellen?  I never experience the number of lift issues anywhere else that I do at sugarbush. But it’s not the HG lift. Plus can Lincoln peak even withstand the increased traffic from a quad?  There aren’t many runs off the summit. There is so much about this that seems off.  It the unforgivable part is the lack of communication. 

    HG had issues at the beginning of the season, and it's definitely showing its age. Fwiw, they are aiming to replace Northridge in 2025.

    Hg needed to be replaced and 80% of skier visits r at Lincoln peak.  Mt Ellen is open 2 months less than LP.  That’s why but the north ridge is a real issue and can’t be replaced soon enough.  Hopefully in ‘25.

  4. 6 hours ago, bwt3650 said:

    We have very different views on skiing.  I find it relaxing, exhilarating and an escape from the rat race of work, kids, and running a business.  It is my escape and happy place whether by myself or with my family.  I can still have a blast lapping 300 feet of vertical with my kids as I watch upper mountain lifts sit idle due to winds. It sucks, but I can't change it.  So it's not so much defending them, as it is listening to their explanation, accepting that I can't change it, and looking toward the positive that there is about to be 2-3 feet of Snow coming and some of the best April conditions in several years.  You are looking for an angry mob, which is fine; but it doesn't make my view wrong.  

    I’m with you but that being said I’m heading to mt snow for this one.

    • Like 1
  5. I went up to vt to catch the snow.  On the way back this evening along the taconic from Chatham down almost to Jackson corners rd was totally glazed with ice.  Everything encased.  Quite magnificent in the light from the sun going down.

    • Like 3
  6. 5 minutes ago, powderfreak said:

    This had to be the busiest ski day in New England in a long time.  Busiest ski weekend.

    The holiday weekends had nothing on this region wide.  We ran out of parking both days, even with the paid parking economic control.  Saw Bolton, Jay, Smuggs, MRG, Killington, etc all say they were at capacity and videos of traffic and parking going viral on social.

    Even Sugarloaf, way the hell up there, was seeing traffic jams.

    What a day for New England skiing and riding.  The overall visitation numbers have to be near record levels.



  7. 45 minutes ago, LaGrangewx said:

    Live in Summit County now and have skied every resort extensively so I'll throw in my 2 cents. I would say A-basin is my favorite in the area but it's for the reasons you mentioned. The hike to and expert alpine terrain is the best in this area by a decent margin. Breckenridge would be a fairly close 2nd with the six senses, lake chutes and peak 7 areas. E-chair is also fun. Copper is a very solid mountain and has a good consistent fall-line and variety of terrain. It now dominates the park scene around here as well. The East Wall is great but requires some effort. The steep gullies are fun and in my opinion slightly exaggerated in terms of danger and no more so than some of the upper east wall stuff. The gullies are very rocky though and you will hit them even with good coverage. #2 or #4 are probably the most consistent. The Pali terrain at A-basin is also great and has some of the most challenging tree skiing and narrow cut steep runs in this area. A-basin is generally my favorite on nice sunny days in April when coverage is the best. Vertigo can be a real issue there on bad visibility days since most lifts go above tree-line.

    its funny, I skied abasin copper and wp.  Loved abasin so much, the steeps, the trees and most of all the vibe.  hiked up the east wall.  I left there wanting to ski more of it.  WP was way above my expectations.  We skied MJ 90% of the time.  But I was bored at copper. Caveat, Abasin and WP I skied with my son who is hard charging non stop ski anywhere.  Whereas at Copper I met some old friends who ski blues so I skied with them mostly to be social.  Also, the light was bad when I skied copper bowl.  Also, found copper to be too disneyfied for my tastes.



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  8. On 2/6/2024 at 4:10 PM, the_other_guy said:

    Whiteface is hands down the best ski area in the region. if you could ski that, you could ski anything. On a good day it is spectacular. On a bad day it presents some of those most challenging skiing around at a marked trail resort

    That may be so, but it doesn’t get nearly the snow, especially the nickel and dime refreshers which are key to good skiing conditions, that the northern greens get.

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