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Everything posted by wawayanda

  1. 12z GFS is pretty similar to 6z in taking that western track toward Yucatan but then takes an odd jog north at +96h that allows it to shoot the Cuba/Yucatan gap
  2. And then a crawling landfall near New Orleans with slight intensification in the last few hours
  3. I remember the local news mets (Bob Ryan in DC) used to show a "real-time" radar view that had a line sweeping around a circle with the radar image updating as the line passed. How was that different from what we see on radar views today? Whatever happened to that kind of radar and why is that style of "streaming" radar not available on GRLevel3 or the various apps and websites which update the full image at discreet intervals? IS that old style of radar updating available and if so, where? Thanks!
  4. This livestream is showing a good amount of debris and trees down in Wilmington https://livestormchasing.com/stream/charles.peek Edit: this is the guy who shot the video of the roof in the post above...
  5. Live cam from the pier at Bogue Inlet, Emerald Isle NC. Feed has been a little spotty so don't be surprised if it craps out http://www.ebmcdn.net/webcast/flash/bogue-inlet/live-iframe.html
  6. Sobering and very clarifying demonstration of what storm surge from 3ft up to 9ft actually looks like on the ground. Share with folks out there who aren't taking this seriously.
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