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Posts posted by MTBLANC

  1. Good morning everybody,

    +4C this morning with a partly cloudy sky.

    It should be sunny and pretty mild with a high of 17/18C.

    In the territory, we have at 5:00between -3 at Burwash and +7 in Watson lake, with -1 in Carmacks, 0 in Haines Junction, 1 in Dawson, 3 at Whitehorse's airport.

    For upcoming days, the weather will turn down to rainy conditions with highs around 11/12/C.

    Have a great day acute.gif!

  2. Approximately how much daylight are you losing per day? Here in the Chicago suburbs at 42N latitude, we're losing about 2 or 2.5 minutes per day. I can even notice that, but that's nothing compared to your daylight loss this time of year.

    We are loosing 5 minutes per day, soon 6, almost 1/2 hour every six days.

    In Dawson or Inuvik, it is worse for sure !

  3. Thank you !

    For sure I will try to post and keep this topic alive with other members.

    For today, temperatures of 6.4/15.3, it was mostly cloudy this afternoon: we took this opportunity to go running, cut some trees and start to prepare the house for the winter.

    Now it is overcast with showers for tonight and tomorrow.

    No more than 11/13C for tomorrow.

    Have a great evening !

  4. Good morning everybody,

    Low of 6.4C, we have now 7.9C. The weather should me mainly sunny today with a high of 16C and wind blowing from south.

    Here, it is a picture of my webcam (North view):


    Here are some other pictures of this summer in Yukon.

    Kusawa Lake, between Whitehorse & Haines Junction:



    Sunset in Hidden Valley:


    Fish Lake, 20 kms from Whitehorse:



    That's it for now :rolleyes:!

    Have a great day !

  5. For sure,

    Here is first a link to some videos I did (the quality and the weather are not the best ...): videos.

    I also have a lot of pictures.

    First of all the place where the station is located, 20 kms north of the Whitehorse airport:


    In winter (2010-11) by -35C, downtown Whitehorse:


    January 14, 2011 at home:


    I will post some other pictures in upcoming days :thumbsup:.

  6. When is your normal first snowfall, and when does the snowpack actually begin to form?

    At Whitehorse Airport it can snow every month apart July.

    The most important snowfall in August was 8.6 cm on Aug. 22, 1974.

    Usually snowpack starts to form mid October, last year it was mid November.

    We however got 12 cm snowfall on Sept. 24 last year.

    You can find all the reports for my new weather station here (reports) and here (WU).

    About today, low of -1.8C and high of 16.1C. Sunny day, I would definitely sign for an autumn like this.

    Have a great evening !

  7. Hello everybody,

    Second frost of the month with -1.4C.

    In the territory, temperatures vary at 5:00 between -2 in Haines Junction and +10 in Watson Lake.

    The weather should be, as yesterday, mainly sunny in the morning, mainly cloudy in the afternoon.

    Here is the link to my webcam, you should be able to see some haze, mainly over the riverbed at sunrise around 6:30-7:00.


    Have a great day acute.gif !

  8. Hello everybody,

    As you mention, it, we definitely do not need more rain !

    +1.0C this morning. Here, it is quite a cold spot for Whitehorse' area.

    In the territory, temperatures are 1C in Carmacks, 3 in Arctic areas and Whitehorse, 4 in Dawson and Faro, 5 in Haines Junction, 8 in Old Crow and Teslin, and 9 in Watson Lake.

    Today should be a quite sunny day, we will try to enjoy it :thumbsup:!

    About the forecast for following days, temperatures should be cool, but we may have some "not so bad" days.

    Have a good day !

  9. Good morning everybody !

    9.2C actually, overcast and windy.

    The wind plays here an important factor, specially in winter. While Whitehorse is very close to the Pacific, our weather conditions are influenced by depressions coming from south,

    We are however protected by mountain ranges, and a dry and mild wind is then blowing.

    This explains why Whitehorse is not as cold as other cities located far east around 60N.

    You can have some data about our climate and reports of the station.

    About weather conditions in the territory, we have this morning at 5:00 between 2C in Carmacks and 10C in Watson lake.

    About weather forecast, mainly cloudy, windy and 17C this afternoon.

    Have a good day :)!

  10. Good evening everybody :pimp:!

    I am new on american weather, and live in Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada.

    I have a weather website Meteowhitehorse and will try to let you posted about weather conditions in the Territory located just at the border with Alaska :wub:.

    I am also working to set up a network of arctic and sub-arctic weather stations in Alaska, Canada and northern Europe.

    I think that all winter lovers will appreciate :drunk:.

    Sorry if my English is not perfect, I settled in Canada two years ago and I come from France.

    If you visit my website and notice any mistake, if you have any idea or want to exchange links, just let me know !

    Thank you,


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