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Everything posted by paweather

  1. LOL, yep. I am just excited to see the first flakes whether that is a dusting or something better.
  2. Let's see what the EURO says today. Been pretty consistent on keeping the cold air around but worry about the upper levels seem to want to rise temps quickly. Anyways, It is November 15th tomorrow so who can complain right now. :-)
  3. Glad to be back. Let this one overperform. Trends are looking good. Good luck everyone!
  4. Yep many disappointments let’s get them out of the way early.
  5. LOL I was just going to post thank goodness this was not a winter NorEatern the radar looks lame to me. And many would be calling this a bust right now things are shifting east and weaker
  6. Should be an interesting Weekend, lots of rain maybe some flakes love this weather right now.
  7. very well could be. It is setting up for something in that timeframe. Good call!
  8. Funny just said that to my wife. Crazy but I'll take this more than that dang heat. Hope we start seeing some Fall/Crisp weather soon. I am somewhat back from Hiatus looking forward to getting geared up in the couple of months.
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