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Everything posted by paweather

  1. GFS much better trends today versus yesterday let’s hope trends continue our way.
  2. 66 and Sunny what a day if it is not going to be cold and snow this is ideal.
  3. It is getting closer that is a good look from here.
  4. You are spot on. Embid is overrated and he needs help. Simmons would be a game changer but we know that is not going to happen he is just laughing right now at the Sixers.
  5. you guys will be thinking differently next week. But have to agree it is beautiful out. What is wrong with the Sixers? The win big over GSW and then can't beat Memphis or the Heat. Terrible 14-13
  6. It may be difficult we need to cold air to press a bit so the low can go a bit further south and east,
  7. Gotcha sorry and keep an eye on it for sure and up for a further north run at it.
  8. Yeah we get snow/ice to start and then rain back to snow. Plenty of time.
  9. Yep we need the cold first and hope we time that with the moisture.
  10. I was just going to post that it is dry and cold. No precip insight.
  11. It looks like per Blizz and Loseto teleconnections are in our favor starting next week let's capitalize on it!
  12. Yes, I didn't want to post it since as you said it is 384.
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