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Posts posted by JoshM

  1. 1 hour ago, WeatherNC said:

    I canned what was the latest iteration earlier this week, Red1976Red.  Unless he is now spoofing a TWC residential connection in Raleigh which I guess is possible, I doubt it is him.  Wilkes had an affinity for MS Paint, this guy seems a bit more professional plus he has an in house model.  Nodules is a physiology term, he lost some credibility there.  Ted's part about boundary layer issues in Orlando and that random dog on chicken .gif were pretty funny.

    I swear, he's like a Pokémon, gotta catch them all!

  2. 1 hour ago, mackerel_sky said:

    Brad P dropping stupidity on FB. Said he made a decent call on the storm!??? His excuse was cold air got there faster and produced 20:1 ratios, instead of the normal 8:1! Guess all that cold air is why it started as rain?

    Lol wut!?? You the man Brad, you the man! Tuesday he was still saying an inch was all he was expecting!??? LMAO

    Hey... 70% of the time, he's right every time!

  3. 17 minutes ago, burrel2 said:

    Only you could find something to complain about sitting directly in the bullseye of a storm 6 hours out. I might be slightly concerned in SE wake county or anywhere South and east of there, but you should be golden, imo

    Ya, he would complain about finding two snowflakes that look exactly the same!

  4. 1 minute ago, WidreMann said:

    I know that the RAP isn't actually the most accurate model, but with it showing the continued trend of warming at the surface and precip further west, it's starting to indicate to me that this is going to be another western piedmont special. It is curious, though, that we can have falling snow, a decent northerly wind and still have BL temps warm. But hey, I've seen weirder things.

    Moral of the story: don't bank on snow in the Triangle unless the models show you in the sweet spot ON THE DAY OF THE EVENT. Even 24 hours before is not enough.

    And even when it starts, the dry air bubble sets up over the area.

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