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Everything posted by ice1972

  1. One time......there was this Halloween storm that shut off my power for 9 days dude.....seriously....that happened....
  2. I'm in.....reporting from West Hartford, CT
  3. Show me Jan 2011....holy **** here in west Hartford
  4. Isn’t Ryan streaming? Come on man.....be our blue shed guy
  5. Red Porch Guy!!!! I know this may be OT but just wanted to let you know that we have Florence’s blue shed.....this guy in Wilmington....periscope feed....he’s consistently streaming and seems to have portable power enough to stay on....not sure about when Flo knocks out his internet https://www.pscp.tv/w/bms2JjF4TmpheHdEQXlrS2J8MXlvS01WempweU9HUXgYZgjJTVsbc13408Fw8HLx4PPkicrXrSFYSlw0meqJ?t=10m49s
  6. I haven’t seen one all season up here in CT.....that’s a bit odd....but ya here there usually gone by mid August if not earlier
  7. I’m sure somehow the trip insurance I bought won’t pay out
  8. So does trip insurance pay out a year in advance? Cuz that’s what I’m facing with this asshat Flo....Carolla completely wiped from the earth along with my July 2019 rental....Fuk
  9. JFC....the rain can stop now....my grass just keeps going and going and going....usually by mid August it’s stunted and not much work to keep under control....not this year....lol
  10. A classic.....I had to turn the lights on dim in the kids bedrooms to mask the flashes....they wouldn’t like the bright flashes....the thunder can’t do much....and now poof....all gone
  11. Ya the stuff south of Long Island is really going bonkers.....would have been cool to be in NYC earlier when it rolled through....
  12. The board just wigged out on me....lol i think it may be weakening....the frequency of lightning is diminished now over Windsor
  13. Ya it’s spraying out these lightning bolts all over.....
  14. Storm north of Hartford is prolific lightning maker.....got stuff popping south now too over Southington new Britain and Wethersfield....there’s bolts flying well outside the rain shield too.....per radar scope
  15. Fukin bring that ****.....zippity zip zip lol
  16. Got some nice anvil crawlers our there.....where did this come from?
  17. I haven’t seen it since I posted on the 10th....but it was there for a few hours that day...that I noticed anyway
  18. Like 3" here in West Hartford.....whoever started this thread forgot to add Meh to the title.....what a joke....
  19. Living on the edge....go big or go home I guess....I expect localized higher totals out this way....the western banding will perform
  20. What does that mean "more compressed out west"? Like higher QPF but with the same distribution east to west? No expansion of the field west just bump them up a bit? IDK
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