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Everything posted by Syrmax

  1. Its Tuesday...a long way to go with this pig. Personally, I expect some model mayhem soon. We'll do alright in the end. The Lakes will provide.
  2. I'd gladly accept a changeover to rain here if it means a washout with 50s and a driving rain with massive flooding in SNE. But that's just me.
  3. 00Z looks pretty good. Still on track for a major Snowstorm upstate. 2 more days of model runs to jerk everyone around.
  4. I'd sell the ICON. Who developed that? Meteorologists?
  5. We will need to look at soundings as event draws near on Friday. The key to best snowgrowth, as you know, will lie with UVV and Denritic growth zone aligning. Even tomorrow and Thursday will be too soon.
  6. That's kind of why I don't care to ever care to see a Blizzard Warning here. Or WSW due to Blizzard conditions. KBOS has made it a joke. Congrats dumbasses
  7. I want the Ukie or some credible model to remain an outlier. To give hope to the true i95 weenie. Only to crush their dumbass hearts in its fist of pain.
  8. The last time anyone cared about the Ukie was back during the Cold War.
  9. I agree. Of course being a contrarian...I'll take the under.
  10. I'm trying to imagine if the Euro / Kuchera totals (40") materialized for Syracuse area followed by LES for a couple days. The mind boggles. Too bad it's not Thurs or Friday...
  11. If the Ukie, Tropic Thunder, JMA and ICON models score a coup with this system, as is being suggested/wishcasted elsewhere, I think we will all go insane.
  12. Probably a double major in Oceanography. The tell will be if we see the Laurentian Abyssal mentioned.
  13. I know its serious when the Emperor Seamount gets mentioned.
  14. Agree. Overall there is unusually good model alignment this far in advance.
  15. Was just doing back of the envelop math on Euro with Kuchera on SYR clown map totals. 16" snow at 10:1 is 1.6" liquid. To get 40" you need a 25:1 ratio. I could see storm ending as that but not the bulk of it.
  16. I thinks that's more the Hudson Valley effect. Warm noses just race up the valley. Doubt it really gets into ADKs (based on this model run).
  17. That's a good point. Someone posted here yesterday about that...flying out of KBUF Sunday IIRC. If you really have to travel I'd look at moving that up or back a day..
  18. Probably true but the cat's out of the bag early on this one, everywhere. I wouldnt talk totals till Thursday. Just in case.
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