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Everything posted by Atomixwx

  1. That's how mine is. I have one area that never sees the sun that still has like four inches of pack. The sun-touched part is bare ground. Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk
  2. I thought about saying it would be an introduction to the future for Ja Morant, but thought better of it. Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk
  3. I once wrestled a Serb called Milo Hrvakic, whose finishing maneuver was a shooting star press. He called it to "Albedoman," because he said it sounded Dalmatian in nature. Milo Hrvakic weighed 375 lbs. Anyway, he hit me with the "Albedomen" which broke seven of my ribs. I kicked out, hit him with the Tamaqua Split ("Split" being Croatian chapped this dude's ass big time) and got my hand raised. Screw Milo Hrvakic. Milo Hrvakic sucks. Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk
  4. You forgot the o in lol. That made that last sentence hit hard lol. Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk
  5. Funny you mentioned old radio. I've been listening to All Night Radio on YouTube for the last week since stumbling on it. This guy has digitally remastered hundreds of hours of old radio. It really was such a great medium of entertainment. Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk
  6. You just threw your entire generation under an industrial-sized bus. We were told, at any time it was seen as relevant, that you lot walked to school in deeper snow and in colder conditions. Up hill. Both ways. And now, after all these years I am to believe you may have missed an entire week of school? I would say my entire life is a lie, but I think it's actually yours. Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk
  7. That little blue dot far away from the rest of the blue? It me. Well, if I were alive and lived where I do now. Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk
  8. Disregard. The giant gaseous ball in the sky has taken muh snow. New goal is 12. Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk
  9. And this three minute video from Huffington post suggests all but Coach Carter have the word "motherfucker" in them lol Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk
  10. I saw that one. I saw Samuel L. Jackson on the cover and expected Samuel L. Jackson things, and I've never been more disappointed. Hey, Sam, more "motherfucker," less "sir." Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk
  11. I still have a considerable snowpack. I'll shoot for five. Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk
  12. I just can't watch it anymore. Any all star game except for baseball, but they're money grabs so they're not going away. If the NBA wants to spice things up and generate some eyeballs, they should introduce prison rules for the All Star Game. Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk
  13. Everybody is too exhausted after the NBA All Offense Game to post. Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk
  14. I can't remember the last warm April we had. Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk
  15. 70 here in my microclimate. Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk
  16. Does frozen Jesus on the cross mean six more weeks of damnation? Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk
  17. Today was enough for me. It was a perfect winter day with squalls and cold and changing road conditions. Let spring be sprung. Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk
  18. You know it's an event when Zack joins us for a post. Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk
  19. I'm thinking it's verified. Maybe not quite a foot, but they verified their warning and then some. Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk
  20. Parents in Orbisonia reporting a foot. I'll be down there this afternoon to verify. I didn't think the lower part of Huntingdon county would have ended up in the death band but what do I know? Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk
  21. This. PennDot started dulling the blades at around 8 PM last night. Perhaps they subscribe to the $100/month plan. Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk
  22. Nice little event here. Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk
  23. Few more smoked maple old fashioneds might help with that. Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk
  24. Snow has commenced in Vail. Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk
  25. Family in Orbisonia (Huntingdon county) confirms it is snowing hard there. Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk
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