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Everything posted by Dbullsfan22

  1. Yeah, I probably got suckered in, and Turtle has been around longer than when I started reading here probably 5-6 years ago (had to change accounts lost my info) and is a valuable member of this community and probably knows a million times more about meteorology than I could ever. That being said doesn’t change my thoughts on the wishcasting this week. Maybe he truly believed what he was saying but when you do see a red tag saying things that seem so off base with what everyone else is saying it really draws attention to it.
  2. Maybe I’m not qualified to comment on this but as a lurker for quite awhile, the wishcasting with no visable positive evidence Turtle has shown these last 2 storms has been a bit excessive. Red tag or no red tag I don’t see a reason not to call him out on it, especially considering neither of these storms are anywhere close to deserving of storm mode status
  3. Wait Turtle is going dark? Who is going to step up and call this wave a devastating hurricane
  4. So this storm is either on the verge of becoming a cat 1/2 hitting Florida or a broken wave with a name, all depending on if it’s and even or an odd numbered post….. seems like we are rounding into form just in time for storm season
  5. Thanks just drove home from Trinity over to Wesley Chapel. Pretty decent rain but the winds are still pretty calm. Been very uneventful so far for me but the night is still young.
  6. Outside of maybe the wind gust, could being closer to the center vs further to the East actually be a bit of a break for the TB area? Seems most of the strongest storms are further east
  7. Sad thing is, nobody here is taking this any seriously at all because it isn’t raining at the moment. Gonna be some surprised people later tonight when they lose power
  8. These next 12-18 hours are always my favorite. 1/2 the room sees a strengthening hurricane in search of an eye while the 1/2 half sees a deteriorating tropical depression that will fade away any minute.
  9. Sun still shining here in Trinity, Fl but just the calm before the storm I imagine.
  10. So what’s up, Elsa too small of a storm to bring everyone out. Seems quiet in the main thread with it as close to land as it is.
  11. Sounds like they won’t go in until it is back over water
  12. I work in Trinity, FL about 20 minutes north of Tampa and 15-20 minutes east of the coast. Absolutely beautiful weather today. We will see if anything comes of Elsa tomorrow. I imagine we start seeing some conditions middle of the day and picking up into the evening.
  13. Quick question, I’ve been following on here for a few years (had to change username couldn’t get into old one) and Storms for 20 years but not a Met. it seems 1-2 times a year we get storms that are forecasted to have a Tampa Bay Area landfall but it has never actually happened. What would it take weather wise for it to happen and is it just random occurrence it hasn’t or is there an actual reasoning behind based off the location. Final part of the question, what could make Elsa the Cane to finally break the seal so to speak.
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