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Beach Snow

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Posts posted by Beach Snow

  1. 24 minutes ago, Brick Tamland said:

    Hope this one is for real. Looks like what the models were showing for tomorrow's storm a week out, and we know how that turned out.

    But I am going to stay positive. Let's get this!

    I’ve been going back and looking at the Canadian. It had this weekends solution 132 hours out and stayed pretty consistent run after run as we saw. So hopefully by tomorrow and or Monday 0z we see it keep showing up….need to keep off the NW trends though!!

  2. 7 minutes ago, burrel2 said:

    If you guys are obsessed with over analyzing everything like me… go look at the 48hr hrrr and tell me what is going on with that random wave in the northeast that’s wrecked our high pressure and will probably lead to our storm not riding up the coast? Is it smoking crack or what? 

    I haven’t seen that on any other modeling.

    Looks like snow breaking out over central NC well before the storm which is not on any other model for that time stamp

    • Haha 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, Buddy1987 said:

    If you look at the 500 map on any website you desire, you will want to look at two pieces really. The energy that’s diving out of MN/Dakotas as the main piece of energy is around the gulf coast (models seem to be pretty set on this now) and then the confluence up above New England. The energy over New England basically squashes the heights and allows the system to be more south rather than turning due north and northwestward. Once that energy dives it’s a matter of timing. You have the euro that’s super aggressive with it and then you have some of the other solutions namely the GEFS that thinks it happens later and also allows the storm to take more of an east/northeasterly direction because of factors listed above

    The other factors is the NAO domain. Had that been a little further to the west than it is the storm would never have a chance to take a storm track like you’re seeing on some of these model runs. Now that makes some happy and others not so much. I can tell you WNC/SVA guys love this look and it’s classic major onslaught of heavy snow, as the flow comes out of the south southeast and piles up copious amounts of moisture along the blue ridge. 

    Thanks for the insight

  4. 2 minutes ago, ILMRoss said:

    Whoa, the ICON pulls the 500z ULL through the Carolinas... breath of fresh air after these models wanted to bring it up the spine of the apps.

    The 00z ICON, I should mention, is warmer on what looks like every level.

    Yes certainly warmer but hopefully that’s just noise…great trend on the LP 

    • Thanks 1
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