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Everything posted by BornAgain13

  1. 12z EURO is a Cold Rainstorm as well... Low tracks through Tennessee/ Kentucky
  2. 12z GFS was almost something big , it was much colder than 6z , but still , a cold rain...
  3. That's good that it's staying more separated right?
  4. Yes , absolutely... Hopefully the Euro will come back around today.
  5. 0Z GFS with a light to moderate snow for the 13th system , 0Z CMC has a Major ICE Storm... let's see what the 0Z EURO shows.... pattern is favorable, just need some good timing for this storm to occur. Plenty of time to watch
  6. Have a great pattern coming up but surprisingly, no clown maps are showing up on the models...
  7. 06z GFS continues to have a good storm... a little further north this time...
  8. 0z GFS coming in with a Snowstorm for the South next week..
  9. 0z GFS coming in with an early season Snowstorm! Wish it was right
  10. Looking very good for a widespread beneficial rain tonight/tomorrow!
  11. 18z GFS with widespread 1-4" amounts of Snow Tuesday
  12. 18z GFS brings the Tuesday system back, albeit, nothing heavy, but a widespread light snow.
  13. 12z Euro with a nice storm for Southern VA, into NC
  14. Snow coming down hard now... Pure Wet Snow.
  15. Snow falling here in Dry Fork, with some sleet mixture... wishing that radar would fill in just south of us.
  16. If the HRRR is to be believed, this wont be much of a storm at all, even for the mountains
  17. For some reason the HRRR tends to usually be to warm...
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