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Everything posted by sauss06

  1. Has anyone got to projected temps today? I think I was to be 35, I’m not sure I’ll go above the 29 I’m sitting at currently! May work out in our favor
  2. Look at you today throwing out predications I agree with you too...
  3. noted. so i'd like 20 degree temps so the ground freezes and my 90# dog stops destroying my yard. Add to that 5-10" snow weekly until spring. Then bright blue skies to dry things up a tad. Not to much to ask, right?
  4. good. seriously the rain is driving me to drink. My yard is a swamp.
  5. i cant be the only one sick of rain. I WANT F-ING SNOW damnit
  6. days like this, management should grant 2 hour early leaves
  7. oh, don't get me wrong, i don't want it to last. I just needed yesterday and today to finish a project in my shop. When its only high in the teens my shop is useless. so keep piling up the snow my brotha
  8. i'l take whatever snow i can get, but being honest, yesterday was awesome.
  9. its going to end up snowing for 15 hours today, we'll have a 1/2"
  10. yep, most likely we won't even be in the teens, at least to my untrained eye
  11. my daughter sent me a picture from Shipp and it just looked like flurries
  12. Djr is that all you recorded? At 530 when we went out to shovel, my brother I law who lives next store said he just measured 3.5, I didn’t measure because he did. @bubbler86 it laid on our streets, they came through and plowed. I had more on my driveway and sidewalks though. 10 degrees this morning. I’m assuming the wind kept it from going lower.
  13. thats it Mag, it was 2014 as to what i was saying above. Our schools shut 2 days. wouldn't be shocked to see them shut tomorrow and Thursday
  14. Schools heating systems struggle to keep up, especially older buildings. back a couple years ago when we had a "polar Vortex", we had a call at one of schools. It was an issue related to the heating system. The head maint. guy told me after temps reach a certain point, it was outrageous how much it cost to heat for one day. I don't remember the $$ number, but it was crazy. as a tax payer i was glad the closed schools for a couple days
  15. am i crazy, but it looks like the temperature goes up like 5-8 degrees from now until around 5ish, then steadily starts declining?
  16. it was a demolition derby for a while not sure i'm buying it
  17. any local Harrisburg peeps with a rain gauge? the cricks are getting high
  18. i wouldn't mind that temperature, if we could get some damn precip to accompany it. What the hell do we have to do round these here parts to get liquid and cold at the same time?
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