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About cgidd8

  1. First and last chase in Arkansas was Mayflower 2014. I was sufficiently warned seeing the destruction along I-40 near Mayflower that chasing with Arkansas' lack of site-lines and difficult road network is playing with fire. Easily the worst tornado damage I've ever witnessed in person.
  2. Tail end storm heading into western Chicago looks to be getting there.
  3. That occlusion to regeneration quickness on the Tennessee cell was wild. I don't think I've ever seen anything like that.
  4. Waiting in Lawton and the LLJ is absolutely ripping right now. Getting intermittent sunshine as well.
  5. I chased the SW target yesterday, and decided to get a hotel in Abilene to set up for today. Woke up to the tornado warning on my phone and after looking at radar, I quickly decided to get dressed and chase. While putting my shoes on, the lights cut out. Absolutely terrifying. Ultimately, the tornado passed just north of my hotel and did some slight (EF-1) damage to a neighborhood and then some heavier damage to a commercial business along I-20.
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