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Everything posted by ravensrule

  1. Streets caved instantly. It’s going to be a fun next 4 hours.
  2. He will put rubbers on and make it there. Getting out may be a different story.
  3. We need some anger management classes up in here.
  4. Lol. I think you may need to get back into bed to make sure you get out on the right side this time. Enjoy your snow.
  5. Omg I haven’t seen a flake. I’m at 11” outside and inside for the entire winter. The world is ending.
  6. Coastal thanks for coming in here and giving your input as alway. It’s greatly appreciated. Please ignore the curmudgeons.
  7. I have been waiting for this more than my wedding night. Welcome back. I hope you get slammed.
  8. Baltimore County is closed. Enjoy.
  9. I'm not great with years. This is where i wish Bob was around, but didn't it do great in 2013 & 2014?.
  10. It actually did great a few years ago and people loved it. Not sure when it got the bad rap.
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