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About RedSky

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Quakertown, PA

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  1. This cold crap from mid April through mid May is the new norm. 32F on May 18 last year. Absurd. Snow in May 2020 absurd. Next weeks air mass has freeze potential.
  2. Not sure I even got .10" and all that's left is a small chance of a shower tomorrow evening. Pollen season is at full steam needed this to wash it from the air. Next ten days to two weeks looks below normal with the rainfall. Shades of last year with pollen buildup?
  3. Family member saw snow flakes around 6pm? Not sold on that with a temp in the low 50's.
  4. Second week in a row a very wet looking three days has been reduced to .25-.50" qpf. Won't have a record wet month doing this. Drought talk soon? Lol Bear here last night. Repellant needed list is growing mosquitoes, bees, bear spray?
  5. The bark was worse then the bite I give that T'storm a 3, but at least it was one so got that to build on. One can see on radar the air let out of these storms as they entered Bucks.
  6. Not much lightning a couple close then that part fizzled. Guy needs to chill and put that picnic table cover back where it belongs.
  7. Yeah the real deal finally, in my car and it's rocking side to side this is great
  8. Wicked looking line of doom about to smack me no chance of a miss
  9. No end to the super active fast flow it's system after system out to infinity. Confident we will set a new milestone with back to back record wet months.
  10. Wait another decent day saved from the garbage can, unprecedented 68F
  11. Good to see the big wind is coming back for trash night tomorrow night, extra trash too
  12. Far better day than forecast with some sun and shower chances reduced to 30%. Put this one in the makeup column which we are owed many this season.
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