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North Atlantic Current Warmest in 2,000 years


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Why are you citing these proxies when you stated previously that the only proxies that had value were ice cores, and data from any other source was flawed, or manipulated, or just straight b.s.

Here is the ocean SST record from a non-polar region for the past 2,000 years. Sorry, its hard to get ice cores from the tropics, so some other proxy will have to suffice.


Exactly. In this case, we have to use the evidence at hand, & the amount of such.

Now, the amount of studies conducted that support the fact that (RED) The MWP was warmer than today, (BLUE) It was colder.

We can see, more studies indicate that the MWP was warmer than today, rather than the contrary.

Skiers Statement holds no Ground...and is clearly false.



Figure Description: The distribution, in 0.5°C increments, of Level 1 Studies that allow one to identify the degree by which peak Medieval Warm Period temperatures either exceeded (positive values, red) or fell short of (negative values, blue) peak Current Warm Period temperatures.

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Exactly. In this case, we have to use the evidence at hand, & the amount of such.

Now, the amount of studies conducted that support the fact that (RED) The MWP was warmer than today, (BLUE) It was colder.

We can see, more studies indicate that the MWP was warmer than today, rather than the contrary.

Skiers Statement holds no Ground...and is clearly false.



Figure Description: The distribution, in 0.5°C increments, of Level 1 Studies that allow one to identify the degree by which peak Medieval Warm Period temperatures either exceeded (positive values, red) or fell short of (negative values, blue) peak Current Warm Period temperatures.

The chart was produced by the Idso's; the family business that runs CO2 science. Here is what the Idso's say up front:

.....There is also little doubt the earth has warmed slightly over the same period; but there is no compelling reason to believe that the rise in temperature was caused by the rise in CO2. Furthermore, it is highly unlikely that future increases in the air's CO2 content will produce any global warming; for there are numerous problems with the popular hypothesis that links the two phenomena.

The Idso''s professionally are primarily trained as agronomists, and they confess their effort is funded by Exxon Mobil, As they concede,

That we tell a far different story from the one espoused by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is true; and that may be why ExxonMobil made some donations to us...

Be that as it may, I assume the quote below continues to be your view with regard to proxies, which is what the studies cited by CO2 Science rely on:

No. The only reason I post differing proxies (AGW & Skeptic), is to show how stupid it is using proxies to measure temperature.

You can get results to show what you want.

Ice core proxies are the only of such that I have any interest in, as preservation is better when frozen.

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Quit making yourself looking like a clown.

CAT scan please? Hurry, he's in trouble! Unfortunately, it looks like you're fighting a loosing battle. The Idea that the MWP was cooler than today is simply laughable, not the other way around.

Thousands of studies from all portions of the world say otherwise. Peer Reviewed Evidence used, physical evidence abundant.

Its plain to the eye.

Each link contains many many studies from each region of each continent & sector. There are abot 500 included in this list. Ask, and I will give you more.










Around 500 studies, all linking peer reviewed evidence, all the gold you want, its there.

The above links do not prove anything. If you actually read through them, you find that it is simply a collection of anecdotal evidence from around the world. For example one study found a MWP from 900-1300 AD in south Africa, but another found a MWP 1100-1400 AD in central Africa. The first found the MWP to be present, the second found that the current warming is vastly greater than the MWP.

In fact, one of the titles of the references you cited is: "Late-twentieth-century warming in Lake Tanganyika unprecedented since AD 500." All that is presented is a collection of individual locations, some of which find anomalous warmth 800-1300, some of which do not. Some of them find it early in that period but are cold later in that period, some vice versa. Some find the MWP to have occurred 900-1100, others 1100-1300. One needs to synthesize all of this to produce a GLOBAL SYNCHRONOUS temperature reconstruction. And when you do this, you find that the MWP was likely similar to, if not cooler, than the present.

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The above links do not prove anything. If you actually read through them, you find that it is simply a collection of anecdotal evidence from around the world. For example one study found a MWP from 900-1300 AD in south Africa, but another found a MWP 1100-1400 AD in central Africa. The first found the MWP to be present, the second found that the current warming is vastly greater than the MWP.

In fact, one of the titles of the references you cited is: "Late-twentieth-century warming in Lake Tanganyika unprecedented since AD 500." All that is presented is a collection of individual locations, some of which find anomalous warmth 800-1300, some of which do not. Some of them find it early in that period but are cold later in that period, some vice versa. Some find the MWP to have occurred 900-1100, others 1100-1300. One needs to synthesize all of this to produce a GLOBAL SYNCHRONOUS temperature reconstruction. And when you do this, you find that the MWP was likely similar to, if not cooler, than the present.

Holy Crap, I think you've really lost your mind. First, don't nitpick the peer reviewed studies, and instead, use a broad sense of thinking as follows


The MWP in the Upper NH (Europe Asia, North America) started around 950AD, through 1250AD, but the globe is a different story... what you don't understand about that, I'm not sure. We have best evidence, accounts of the WP in europe, where much of our history is based, but the Globe is another story entirely.

The GLOBE was not the warmest at the same time Europe was.

-Global Treelines were higher

-There was less ice on both poles

-Plant species grew where it is too cold today

-Armies crossed the alps no problem

-Vikings trecked through the arctic....during the summer, there was Little no NO Ice

Its just like today....example, The South Pole has been cooling, and was likely much warmer in 1850 than today, based on accounts from several explorers, such as Ernest Shakelton, yet, Russia has been warming very rapidly. The US was warmer in the 1930's than it is now.

For example, the warmth in the SH during the MWP peaked hundreds of years later, due to the effects of the altered climate on the global teloconnector base, most likely. But the Globe, as a whole, is another story.

You cannot use a date to define a warm period if it doesn't fit the globe.

CONSENSUS favors the MWP warmer than today...ok?


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The chart was produced by the Idso's; the family business that runs CO2 science. Here is what the Idso's say up front:


The Idso''s professionally are primarily trained as agronomists, and they confess their effort is funded by Exxon Mobil, As they concede,

Be that as it may, I assume the quote below continues to be your view with regard to proxies, which is what the studies cited by CO2 Science rely on:

So what? Doesn't change the argument at hand.

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