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Will - Rutgers

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About Will - Rutgers

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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    i am not afraid of you and i will beat your ass

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  1. it’s happening more and more very nice night crickets singing etc
  2. montana’s weather was a lot of different things when i was there, and heavily influenced by the varied topographies i was in. could be warm or wet but usually not both at the same time
  3. no it’s cool i love it when approaching rain just vanishes
  4. i feel like they’ve been dreadful for months
  5. some rather large cumulus over here, nonetheless an empty radar
  6. yep they’re out i think there was more when i was a kid
  7. next week looks miserable this is the coldest summer of the rest of your life
  8. look at that monster PRE in E PA
  9. oh man i have got to stop watching this awful radar. like watching santa crash his sleigh on the roof of your house and falling off over and over
  10. was just thinking about how annoying they’ve been this year
  11. we had the breeze yesterday idk what happened
  12. pretty rare to see storms fall apart like that well before the close of daytime heating
  13. a little breeze today is a huge improvement… just a little but really helps the evaporative cooling
  14. what is the science on exercising in this heat. i imagine there’s some benefits and adaptations but can’t you hurt yourself too
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