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Connecticut Appleman

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Posts posted by Connecticut Appleman

  1. Some clear patches here in New Hartford - looking north-northeast there is a dim glow that is not normally there - enough to make out the tree branches on the top of the tree line.  I know right after I go to bed it will get interesting...

  2. Just got back from Burlington to New Hartford.  Traffic for a Tuesday morning was pretty heavy, but nothing like yesterday.

    Absolutely nothing compares to this.  Amazing seeing the wall of darkness race out of the Adirondacks across Champlain followed a couple minutes later by the wall of light doing the same.  A couple of coworkers were saying that we were at 92% that should be close and I was not really sure.  Glad I made the trek because this ain't like grading and exam 92% does not equal 100%.

    Great photos everyone - I quickly gave up and just drank it all in.

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  3. 5 minutes ago, weatherwiz said:

    Yup. I grew up in West Hartford and went to school in the 90's and 2000's. 

    1. West Hartford hardly ever cancelled...I mean ever. Hell, it was a blessing if we either had a delay or an early dismissal. 

    2. There is only one time I distinctly remember it happening. I was in middle school (so sometime between 1999-2002) and we had two days cancelled in a row. Its funny because it was supposed to be a very large storm (I think a two part) and it kind of busted. I think in total we got around 8'' or something...maybe it was 10.

    I guess I'm getting old - we had t wait for Bob Steele to read out the names in the 70's on the radio every half hour.  That was the only source.

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