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Posts posted by dmconno

  1. 1 hour ago, powderfreak said:

    Happy Anniversary of the most fun snowstorm of my life.  This thing was a real storm.  I think it's the only all frozen QPF event at BTV with 2" of liquid equiv in the month of February?  


    Yes, agreed. Was able to talk my wife to playing hooky for this storm. Spend the day ridding the deep pow at Sugarbush, snowing so hard you could only see three chairs ahead. The best part of the day was the resort offered $14 lift tickets to celebrate V-Day.

    On our way back to Stockbridge, on rt. 100 south, that afternoon we had to drive around a mini avalanche that covered the right travel lane near Moss Glen Falls

  2. 1 hour ago, powderfreak said:

    Unfortunately you just have to pound the refresh button on the reservation page.  They won't be releasing more spots, but people do cancel.  I know folks who have been able to get one during the holiday weekends so far by checking religiously.  Unfortunately the most likely time to find an opening is usually the morning of, almost like going to a sold out sporting event but waiting outside the gates to scalp a ticket. 

    It's been a weird winter and as someone who has access to and reads as many guest surveys as possible (the written comments are telling), I know that whenever you hit capacity/sell out (Christmas holiday period, MLK, powder Saturday's this last month and now President's weekend) there are people angry that the capacity limit isn't lower... and there are people very unhappy that they can't ski.  It's one or the other depending on the person's experience.

    You are right, that unfortunately President's Weekend can often be the #1 weekend of the season for visitation... depending on how MLK weekend or the Christmas period went.  This year the snow is definitely the best it's been all winter long and heading into one of the big three weekends.  Good luck dude, I wish I could help ya out more.


    Good insight, thank you. I'll make it happen.

  3. I totally messed up and spaced on making a Epic reservation at Stowe for my wife and I this Sunday. My kids are all set as they are part of the Busters program. @powderfreak any insight into if/when Vail Resorts might release additional spots? With the resort almost 100% open I'd expect capacity to wide open, but it's obviously the most busy weekend of the year...Regardless I keep checking the reservation site for a miracle. 

  4. 15 hours ago, powderfreak said:

    Yup I actually have been making that same point a lot lately whenever it comes up.



    I"m curious to know if Stowe Mtn. is planning a standby or waitlist for days that are full capacity in the morning but then crowds thin out at lunch time. I see this happen every winter but expect it to be even more prevalent this year when restaurants/bars on the mountain are closed. This would only help people who are local or have a seasonal house rather than people who need to reserve a spot at the mountain before booking weekend accommodations.

    I personally am renting a place in Stowe for the winter season and have the kids enrolled in the Busters program. This year the hours are shorter but the kids are guaranteed a reservation on the days the program is running. In the event that the kids can ski but I can't get a reservation would be nice to have a waitlist for the possibility to ride in the afternoon when the crowds thin out. 

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