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Posts posted by BillT

  1. 1 minute ago, tnweathernut said:

    Hey, Bill.  That's what the pattern threads are for.  Banter is for all things non-weather related even though some of them touch on weather.  Even the pattern threads can get a little dicey at times when the weather isn't particularly exciting.

    the pattern thread is full of negative banter and cliff jumping, that is the point for me the models are discussed into the ground and the real weather is almost never mentioned......

  2. 4 hours ago, chubbs said:

    Exactly. Who is funding the Heritage , Heartland Foundations and other DC think tanks that come up with denier meme's?  Wealthy petrodollars.  So this particular meme is pure hypocrisy. The reality is that climate scientists could be making much more money on Wall Street or in myriad other careers. While Koch is stuck in the oil business.

    so you guys claim EVERY job and field on this planet are the exact same as the job mann has?????    this is why communication is difficult that claim is MORONIC.......barbers, electricians plumbers all spend how much time seeking government grants please?????  "exact same dynamics"   words have meaning and those words are utterly FALSE.

  3. 3 minutes ago, snowlover91 said:

    Correct, they don't define the scientific consensus on climate topics.  If you want some great evidence of the fraud going on, please do some reading on this link. There are 180 pages of examples to go through but it's quite revealing.


    you are victim of the strawman tactic on that post......a position nobody has taken about mann and curry was indeed shot down......

  4. Nobody claims that CO2 is the dominating factor in Earth's equilibrium temperature (T).


    what is this equilibrium temperature please?  seems that would be when there is no climate change and th temperature remains the same for a very long time.....no such state of equilibrium is evident in any record....i submit rather thermodynamics makes the overall system SEEK balance(equilibrium)but can never find it because too many factors constantly change and no such state can be achieved.

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