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Everything posted by Atomixwx

  1. Point and click showing 4-8 Friday night into Saturday. Interesting.
  2. Winter has failed to start until February and Spring has failed to start until June recently.
  3. The NFL should flex their playoff schedule so the Green Bay game is played today in a snow. Meanwhile, I'm about to go swimming in the Juniata.
  4. A bit ironic that football is the topic of conversation right now. You know, because of punts. And why is the NY thread blowing up? They got girls with beer flavored tits over there currently?
  5. Kinda depressing, isn't it? It's going to take a herculean storm to get MDT anywhere close to average.
  6. Lol, I don't want things to suck. I just have had this feeling for a while.
  7. Always a good time, starting the season with a bust. I'm not feeling it for this season. Going to be a lousy one.
  8. They pounded West Virginia in the tournament a few years back. I'm not too surprised that they beat Duke. In Cameron Indoor? Yeah, but not in general.
  9. My 60-year-old mother texted me some bullshit on FB the other day about yesterday/last night. I just responded with "lol," and told her to stick to Joe Murgo at WTAJ in Altoona. There's no reason for weather services to exist on social media. I would argue that even TV station weather departments, private forecasters such as AccuWeather, or the NWS come off as alarmist on social media. Stick to print, air, and text.
  10. While I'm all-in on any Snowvember, I'm not all-in on Novembuary with those lows.
  11. This guy's too excited about the ****ing weather. Dial it down a bit, huh? I need you at like a three. You can currently be heard from the Moon. Also, your name makes me think of the Comrade Jeb Bush meme. Please clap. Please clap.
  12. The wind made it real ****ing hard to post that wife of yours on her normal corner, and so were relegated to dog walking her about. How's her knees, btw? I was up til four AM splashing gauze bandages and rubbing alcohol on those moneymakers.
  13. There was a brief shower and now the sun is out. Hopefully it supercharges the atmosphere.
  14. Still overcast in Wertzville. Not feeling it today.
  15. I took the day off to watch the tornado outbreak in the plains. Everything I've seen in the last week-plus has reminded me of the springs and summers I like. Tornado on the ground now in Cottle County, Texas.
  16. Looks that way. Last few years at this time the forecast going up to the end of May was basically March. That doesn't seem to be going down this time. Whatever pattern we have had locked in for the last 25 months seems to have died.
  17. I've been up since 5. I ain't seen shit lol.
  18. This is how I felt about Camden Yards. I froze my legitimate nuts off yesterday. Nanny isn't gonna be happy when she unzips later and I'm a eunich.
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