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Everything posted by Atomixwx

  1. I swear to Christ, the time leading up to a snow is the most stressful...
  2. Oh so you're a pilot also. You plan on being a pilot like Chuck Yaeger or a pilot like Cory Lisle?
  3. JI was a riot on the EasternUS forums back in the day. Are they still around?
  4. I'm going to say this right now. Storm or no storm, I will win any flame war for this subforum, a subforum that I have been a part of for ten years. And I'll burn this entire place down in my wake. If you're coming from PGH or MA for any untoward bullshit, you can **** off and all.
  5. I'm just saying, if this one fizzles out, it's gonna be hard to believe the guidance for the remainder of the season unless there's some massive change in the set up or we're being shown a triple phaser or something.
  6. Travel agent, weather guy, airline scheduler, is there anything you can't do?
  7. No need to apologise. I just havent had a chance to see anything lol
  8. Is there going to be a dry slot issue or something? I haven't had a chance to look at much this morning. Bubbler seems concerned about something.
  9. If it does, I will be banned from AmericanWx for flaming the MA thread into the stone age forever.
  10. When the best meteologist in the state puts that out, you feel good.
  11. I saw a drone get a hernia trying to lift one of those up. Probably yours.
  12. Graphic guy got a talking to about that 2-3 feet from yesterday when everything seemed bleak.
  13. Can we get MAG his 20 incher for all his hard work?
  14. When the high af guy at The Weather Chanell calls his shot...
  15. If this storm busts, I'm sending you directly back to Baku.
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