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Everything posted by Atomixwx

  1. I'd love to be sitting in the office at CTP right now. You have WSW for the majority of your CWA and guidance suggests dropping to WWA for the southern 2/3 of the CWA and nothing for the rest, but I don't even know if that's allowed. What do you do for those areas? Issue a HWO? Downgrade to WWA even though that may not verify? Tough call. Their silence this afternoon is pretty noticable.
  2. There are going to be some counties in the NW area of CTP's CWA that may go from WSW to nothing.
  3. Easy. The world will continue to spin no matter what happens.
  4. This thread is now about FHS being cast in the remake of "Roadhouse."
  5. Ah yes, the ole delete job. What was so important that it felt needed to be shared until the moment it actually was?
  6. So, Ebola's back. So that's fun. Oh, and it's going to snow again. That was a look at the news. @canderson will be back in a moment with an update on the hundreds of millions of deaths in Texas.
  7. I'm sure the mega churches will open their doors. Or perhaps they can flock to Jerryworld.
  8. I would assume @canderson was referencing Otis, the drunk from Andy Griffith.
  9. Contractor... *Checks notes* *Hrmmm. The douchebag from S&S was allegedly a contractor.* Youre not a felon, are ya? Lol
  10. I think that may be taking people surprise. A couple of friends of mine back near Huntingdon were saying about how it barely snowed at all yesterday and overnight but it's snowing pretty good this morning.
  11. CTP keeps lowering totals. Some places may lose warnings at this rate.
  12. Were you supposed to be flying @Voyager this afternoon?
  13. Radar out west looks kinda rough. Are the mountains tearing the primary apart?
  14. It's been interesting to see the snow this winter in Osceola Mills and Houtzdale but to go down 453 into Tyrone or 53 into Bald Eagle and there's nothing. I mean, I get why, but it's still mind blowing.
  15. Osceola Mills in particular is like its own snow planet.
  16. How is that any different from normal? I've been spending a lot of time up your way this winter and it's been insane.
  17. You're used to that. Both things. The dry slot and barrelling up 81. This should be second nature by now. Stop acting like such an amateur hahaha
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