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Everything posted by Atomixwx

  1. Shit, I forgot to open the book on when the roads would cave. The line is 10:00 PM. Before or After?
  2. AtomixWx: You said sausage twice. Canderson: I like sausage.
  3. I just assumed you people picked that up at church and rib shack.
  4. The only thing Texas postpones for bad weather is capital punishment. And that shit gets a 2 hour delay.
  5. Plus, in the school district I went to, they've started writing days off as "teacher in-service." I have no idea how that is legal, but they've been doing it for a few years. I think my 17-year-old niece and 7-year-old nephew have had about 125 days of school accumulative in the past three years between Sub-Zero days, snow days, flood days, and now mold days.
  6. I think in 2010, some schools were doing Saturday morning sessions to make up for the week they lost after the two February storms.
  7. Schools are legally obligated to wrap up by June. Up in MAG's area, they started doing 3 hour delays to avoid throwing days away to make Saturday sessions necessary.
  8. I told her she was taking me to Olive Garden on Tuesday for Valentine's day. I also said she wasn't getting any. Tell her to leave the beef drapes alone.
  9. They've just removed the steak from their eyes over the last episode. They're going to be a little slow to the call this time around.
  10. Speaking of Hunter S. Flathead, isn't it time for his 7pm bump of coke? Did he died?
  11. Do we have any statistics of this or record of a correlation between unusually high pressure readings and ice storms within that time frame? A good place to look for this kind of scenario would be Montreal. I don't know if there's a place more prone to ice storms than Montreal. Ridge and Valley sections of the mid-Atlantice being a distant second.
  12. I have a window with a view of the I-81 from work. I can see how ****ed I am from the comfort of my desk. I'll take "Being a miserable ****," for $800.
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