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Posts posted by HoarfrostHubb

  1. 4 hours ago, HIPPYVALLEY said:

    I’ll be impressed if Worcester can pull off triple digits. I’m guessing it will be more like 96-97 type deal. 

    It almost never happens.   Like it has only happened once I think. 

  2. 3 hours ago, kdxken said:

    No mosquitoes or deer flies here yet thankfully. The heat next week will bring 'em

    I’ve killed 1 deer fly so far this year during yard work or dog walking.  They will show up.  Mosquitoes have been surprisingly low. 

    • Like 2
  3. 5 hours ago, kdxken said:

    Was it last year you were roasting?

    Early June of 2023 we were in the lower 90s at work, but I don’t think it was really as bad as I’ve seen.  I think it was low dews at least?  
    there have been other years when it got brutal. 

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  4. 4 hours ago, RUNNAWAYICEBERG said:

    School ends tomorrow and I realized there weren’t any heat days announced by the district. Usually there is stretch where they either let out kids early or provide notice to stay hydrated and dress comfortably. That hasn’t happened. It’s been a great warm-low dew spring for sure. 

    It has been great for school here.  A couple of warm days and 1 muggy day.  A couple more upcoming, but no big deal

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  5. 6 hours ago, Typhoon Tip said:

    Front wheel...  It's not an EV or even hybrid.   But the car's tip top at 160K miles.  I've put ... maybe 1200 or 1500 in it in routine maintenance, which went as far once as a caliper/break job which was my fault so not discrediting the car for that.  Mainly just new tires when needed, and I was buying low grade ones until I smartened up about that.  Those say 10,000miles but you really get maybe 5 before the Mass/state inspectors flag you for interior tread wear or some shit. Better off ponying up for the 30k (minimum mileage), and you'll get 4 or 5 years of inspections. 

    So basically what I'm saying is that I've been very happy with my Toyota. It runs smooth, and handles great.  There are minor complaints, like some of the touch screen functionality of the console don't work anymore but I don't need that ...it's certainly not worth looking at new car for that.  Plus one of the back speakers can't handle base without buzzing.  Minor unremarkable inconveniences. 

    That all said, I am interested in looking at Toyota for hybrid on my purchase.  The only trick is... I don't like buying new cars.  I prefer to purchase them about 30K with good car-fact heritage documented.  I'm not sure that's advisable with battery tech though. I'd go full EV but...I think there's a chance society will collapse and charging might become a problem when/if that dystopian projection takes place. heh. ( some truth to that... ).

    The newest Camry is something I would actually consider after having SUVs for a while. AWD, amazing mileage (45mph), roomy, tons of tech. Bullet proof drivetrain.  
    I’m still a few years away but seriously considering one. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, ineedsnow said:

    Went to rietta this morning.. which was insanely busy then hiked wachusett.. it was a little warm but a good day for it

    The Rietta traffic was pretty busy.  I try to avoid it on Sundays but not many options.  

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