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Everything posted by winter_warlock

  1. Well over 100 hours away im sure alot will change lol just like it did for the storm on the 16th
  2. Thats still the biggest snow event for me in 3+ years!
  3. Could be. But it seems like alot of models are increasing in their precipitation in last 12 to 24 hours so idk why the blend model was lower hmm weird
  4. Hmm makes no sense to me, given the modeling weve all seen
  5. Agreed! Will be curious to see how the gfs does if it follows the rest
  6. I been in americanwx forum since 2010 and i remember a time when people would wonder why the LWX keeps getting burned because they were so bullish back then lol... i guess they learned their lesson at sterling lol
  7. Will be the best storm ive had here in baltimore county, md in 3 years!!
  8. I'm glad it's still 5 days out things will change.. just like they changed in our favor for the 16th Event
  9. The way its looking.. the snow events we got this coming week are gonna give us all more snow then weve probably gotten last few winters combined... as crazy as it sounds!! lol
  10. Snow is still flying. Just not amounting to much on the ground . Still nice to see though
  11. The top ensembles is the totals from boths storms this week
  12. Snow just started flying winds topping 30 mph gusts!
  13. Im in central md and its sunny here lol
  14. Sterling updated their forecast for central md .. been a while since i seen something like this
  15. Check out this forecast for Buffalo,Ny!! I think im gonna move there!!!!
  16. I noticed last couple runs are looking a lil better on the modeling. If that keeps up next day or 2, we maybe looking at a decent snow event. Now if we can only get the one for the 20th to trend better
  17. Icon got better too!. Hope that trend continues on all models next couple days
  18. I like how it increased the last couple frames. Hope that trend continues
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