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Posts posted by TowsonTownT

  1. 4 minutes ago, birdsofprey02 said:

    Anne Arundel already did an asynchronous virtual learning day last week (Wednesday). The funny part was they were obviously previously prepared and my second grader’s unit was all about snow. The kids thought it was silly learning about snow when it was bright and sunny outside on a weather closure day. 

    Asynchronous is a fancy term for "you do homework without any help from us and we'll act like this is a 'real' school day".

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  2. 4 minutes ago, WxUSAF said:

    It depends lol. And 95 is also close to, but not exactly the “fall line”. The fall line is the boundary between the coastal plain and the piedmont and elevation goes up between them. Your elevation and amount of urban heat island your particular location has is a big deal for snow totals in our area. 

    LOL I'm on a 464ft heat island 10 miles from I95.


  3. Being still relatively new to the area, I hear the terms "NW of I95" and the "I95 corridor" used a lot, almost interchangeably when it comes to winter weather esp. snow. For someone who technically lives NW of I95 in Towson, how many miles to either side of I95 is considered the "I95 corridor", and does "NW of I95" literally mean everything to the NW of I95 including the NW side of the "corridor", or does "NW of I95" start where the NW side of the "corridor" ends?

  4. This year sure was fun while it lasted, but the team knew they weren't going to go far the minute the trade deadline passed without the top shelf pitching needed to survive the inevitable slumps at the bat. If the team wants to make deeper runs in the next few years they will need to spend big on pitching while all their stud bats are on their rookie contracts.

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  5. 4 hours ago, Jebman said:

    Okay folks. I own up.

    I panicked. I was out delivering in the San Marcos region of south central Texas. One of my weather friends down here called me up. He was chuckling. He'd been readin my posts. He said YOU MIGHT WANT TO HAVE A LOOK AT RADAR. This was 150am local time.

    That line has suddenly extended west and is going green to yellow to red. I sped home in a big hurry. Just got back put the anti rain cover on the car.

    Looks like we might get smacked after all. I really didnt want to spend the night into sunrise, hiding beneath a gas station canopy just because my car has a very leaky roof.

    I'm safe now, let it come. I want it to go nuclear, then stay on top of us for a long time. We need rain BAD. We just suffered under a FIERY SUMMER with no frackin' rain!

    I grew up in the Hill Country and the old timers will caution you to be careful what you ask for. I was camping on the Guadalupe the night of the October 1998 flood. We knew some rain was expected overnight, but didn't expect to be woken up at 3am to the sirens and bullhorns of Sheriffs telling everyone to evacuate immediately. Our campsite was right on the river which went from 4ft to 35ft within hours of when we got out of there. That area can go from drought to deluge in a heartbeat. 

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  6. On 10/2/2023 at 8:57 PM, snowfan said:

    I found my first lantern fly on my street last week. My parents live < 70 miles north in southern pa and they see them every day. It’s only a matter of time. 

    The brave entomologists out there are starting to whisper, remember the lantern fly Armageddon we predicted where agricultural crops would be devastated wherever they arrive? Yeah, well, we may have spoken a little soon...

  7. I know cool weather will come back, but what's the over/under on additional frost this spring in the I95 corridor? Saw some tomatoes at the big orange box and thinking about taking a chance on a few.

  8. I wish we had more video, I thought it was a merge due to the work zone but it isn't. Looks like the dark car might have merged into the lane just before it comes into view and the white car wasn't having it and tried to speed around the dark car. Same result though and I'm even more flabbergast at the work zone itself. Why isn't that lane closed off with cones? In my previous state they would have at least two lanes closed down for work like this. 

  9. The speeding says it all. Dark car wasn't going to let the other car in no matter what, the white car was determined to pass the dark car no matter what, and road rage set in for both. See it all the time though with far less consequences. I'd say throw the book at both of them, but whoever was doing the work should get some culpability out of this as well. You're supposed to make it foolproof safe for those workers to work and there should have had much better barriers in place. I may be mistaken, but I think the opening to a work zone like this is supposed to be on the far side where you have to back into the work zone rather than pull into it.

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  10. Another cold March day. After 12 days of March, it looks like the average temperature and average high temperature is lower than all of February this year. Looking at the long range temp guidance, is it within the realm of possibility for March to actually be colder than February this year and how often does that happen?

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