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Posts posted by JustinRP37

  1. They say patterns can be hard to break. Well this whole rain on the weekends pattern has been one of the most stubborn patterns I can ever remember. I am hoping that fall gives us some nicer weekends. And I swear to God if ANYONE says we could use some rain after a dry week or two... After all those fall leaves are supposed to make a nice crunching sound when you step on them, not turn to a soggy mess! 

  2. 2 hours ago, powderfreak said:

    Ha to be honest there are probably some posters here who couldn't enjoy a 12" storm if they knew it was going to melt in 3 days ;).  

    But yeah hopefully no one enjoys this weekend because it will get hot again.

    I'm one of those... Unless the ski resorts are open. Otherwise a 12 incher is fun while it happens, but I want to use that snow! If I see 12 inches followed by 50s then I get sad thinking about how fun it would be to ski that powder. 

  3. According to the USGS the Mid-Atlantic Region is all of Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, along with parts of NJ, NY, and North Carolina that drain into the Delaware and Chesapeake Bays, and the Albemarie and Pamlico Sounds. The tri-state area verbatim is not part of the Mid-Atlantic as it do not drain into any of those. Thus, our area is the northeast. 

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  4. 5 minutes ago, beckd said:

    This is the 4th consecutive September, since 2014, when it has been 15F above average in NYC metro area. I wonder if there is anyone out there who can explain without too many “weather models/satellite references,” as to why this is happening? I’m a climate change skeptic of different variety — I do believe it’s happening for the worse in terms of HEATWAVES & DROUGHTS in all regions above TROPIC OF CANCER, but all this warming is not necessarily man made, but cyclical or vicious solar activity. What do you think? 

    A lot of it does have to do with man-made GW. So far the oceans have been able to absorb much of the increased warming, etc. Also, the oceans have been taking in quite a bit of CO2. All of which plays some semblance to the increased warming. Sure it is not all global warming, some of it has to do with the expanding urban footprint, etc. Also, some is cyclical. How much? That is debatable. After spending my career thus far earning a PhD and studying blacklegged ticks and Lyme Disease, I can tell you the tick isn’t moving north and up mountains because of human migration, but rather the climates are opening up to them. Regarding the whole GW debate, one thing that always boggles my mind is how people think we have a minimal impact on the planet. There are 7.6 billion humans on the planet, all of whole use heat to cook, heat homes, energy for AC, energy for transportation etc. even the worlds poorest burn to cook. That has to have some effect. But in the flip side the development of fossil fuels would not have allowed us to reach 7.6 billion people. However, now it is up to us to figure out how we can be good stewards to our home planet. Science has been a miracle. 

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  5. In early August I told some of my weather buddies the long range still looked hot and humid, I remember them saying no no around the middle of the month the heat would be gone. Now they are trying to tell me it will be snowing early this year. I just do not see it. This month as a whole still looks like it will wind up being +1.5 to +3F to me. And that +1.5F might be too conservative. I don't mind the warmth in the fall, but I do start to mind it around Christmas. I like it to turn cold and snowy (at least cold) in early December in so that the ski areas can march towards 100% by Christmas. Last year was a late start for many ski areas and overall it was still a fairly tough season despite the AN snow. Why? Late January and most of February torched and that was prime snow sports time. Once March rolls around even if there are perfect conditions, people just do no go skiing or boarding at much. 

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