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Posts posted by GSwizzle83

  1. There is a significant difference between the NAM, GFS, and EURO in terms of ice accumulation beginning tomorrow through Thursday across a good chunk of especially Missouri. I am not sure what to really follow. The NAM seems to be super aggressive. The GFS keeps the freezing line way north and the EURO is in between. This makes a huge difference in temps and sensible weather. 

  2. The EURO for the past eight or so runs has been extremely consistent in putting down some scary ice totals across parts of MO/KS in the Tuesday-Wednesday time period next week (1-2" and plus in some cases of ice). None of the area offices seem to be biting much on it. Is there anything synoptically that would speak against such a setup. The GFS, for the record, has nothing at all in terms of frozen precip during this period and keeps the precip shunted mainly to the SE. 

  3. This seems to want to be the year of the ice. Not major ice storms that cripple regions for days or weeks, but regular freezing drizzle/light freezing rain events. I try not to get too worked up about these events so far in advance, but this one is a bit different because of the prolonged nature of the event signaled on the models. Will see if they dry out as they get closer to the event, but so far there seems to be a slight uptick in amounts each time. EURO is putting down .2" of ice across much of S MO. NAM seems to concur with greater than .1" amounts. Will see I guess. Model watching continues. 

  4. On 1/24/2018 at 12:05 PM, WhiteoutWX said:

    Until we get the mean trough axis over the Rockies and not over the Mississippi nothing will change. Northwest flow is DRY for the plains in almost any month, but especially in the winter. Until that changes expect no significant precipitation over the majority of Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, and Arkansas. People looking at specific model runs showing precip here and there are ignoring the overall pattern which indeed has not changed since the beginning of November. Which is why basically every storm shown 8+ days out has disappeared or shifted east or south as it gets closer in time.

    EURO trends would definitely bear this out with the Feb 1 storm. 

  5. I am not sure how much stock I put in the cycle that Gary Lezak and Doug Heady are fans of, but there is some merit behind it. If so, I would imagine that February and March would give us more snow or ice setups. The arctic air would not be as deep and the storm track should lift a bit further north. That would give us some shots. That is, if the pattern is similar. I guess we will see. 

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