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A Moonlit Sky

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Posts posted by A Moonlit Sky

  1. 15 minutes ago, Brian5671 said:

    61 here already.   I'm guessing I'll get a seabreeze off the sound later to prevent 70 locally

    My thermometer here at the office in Stamford is reading 51 at the moment. I'm already feeling the seabreeze.

  2. 5 minutes ago, WinterWolf said:



    Holy smokes.....What are you trying to say?

    Perhaps: traditional gatekeepers of knowledge (i.e. actual experts in a given field) are placed on the same plane as literally everyone else in the world when it comes to the spread and digestion of knowledge. The end result seems to have been the great devaluation of education and expertise as virtues.

  3. 7 hours ago, RUNNAWAYICEBERG said:

    Shocked why more don’t. The only problem is seeing the quoted posts which too many respond to. Hoping next server update can fix that. 

    It's this, really. You can block one user, but if the rest of the thread takes the bait, you can't block the entire thread of conversation. It'd be nice to block a user plus quoted posts.

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  4. 12 minutes ago, Spanks45 said:

    51° at 10:38 am on February 24th and it feels great. Took a great hike in the woods yesterday and no ticks were found, I know this can't last forever....It is great to have really cold mornings followed by warm afternoons, keeps the ticks at bay for the most part.

    Yeah, I haven't seem ticks yet either. I've caught a few mosquitoes both inside and outside, though. But, I'm also bounded by wetlands on one side of my hill.

  5. 7 hours ago, gravitylover said:

    Yeah but the first storm in that series was a disaster up here. The sheer number of trees down, roads blocked (and closed for days) and power out for a week was a HUGE pain in the rear. No heat for a week when the highest temperature is in the 20's sucks. 

    True. I think we just got lucky here specifically. I don't wish damage on anyone.

    • Like 1
  6. 33 minutes ago, JustinRP37 said:

    People really need to stop giving any credit to JB, but I get it, wishing for snow is like a crack addiction. As Don pointed out, the chances of getting big snows are statistically very limited.

    Today is glorious! Finally feels like winter! Too bad it won't last.

    Yeah, it's a nice day outside. Cool and the sky has that pale blue winter look.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, powderfreak said:

    The odd thing about cold rain in London is that it feels right.  When I was in London and Manchester (my sister studied at U of Manchester for a while), it added to the vibe to have it like 48F with -RN.  It fits all your preconceived notions of what English life is, haha.  Like being in a movie, walking down a narrow cobblestone street and ducking into a small pub for a pint to get out of the rain.

    Edinburgh feels the same way. The architecture, city design, and the surrounding landscape all seem to point towards "perpetual late fall" as a natural fit.

    • Like 1
  8. 12 minutes ago, Ginx snewx said:

    Labels and stereotypes that's the way of the radical left. Nuff said. I stated many times I believe the climate is warming. You alone dragged politics into it cuz that's what you do to end discussion.  Nuff said enjoy your snowstorm 

    Labels and stereotypes, I say. That's the way of those people.

  9. 42 minutes ago, Typhoon Tip said:

    Regression has a formal statistical method, and the point was, ...when the mean of the scatter plots don't resemble a straight line, the linearity of it is less dependable. That's the only point I was concerned with there..  

    As far as CC and snow it's thermodynamically unavoidable that warming leads to greater latent heat/WV content available to precipitating physics.  Can't be argued. 

    What becomes prognostic ...  as we start getting greater snows during increasing decimals and whole degree average T's, is when do. ( most likely ...) we trip over a phase transition sort of threshold and those systems just end up rainers more and more and more. At which time, the snow averages start declining.  We may not be that far along, just sayin'. 

    I was thinking about this yesterday and last evening out of boredom I did some quick comparisons, this winter vs climate zones and it appears we are having a winter more like typology somewhere in mid Jersey for temperatures. That's too close to noise to be blamed on CC, but the problem is that statement " to be blamed on" is stupid - because what it evades is that CC is there at all times.  It's really a matter of whether a pattern is sufficiently anomalous to more or less mask it.  

    Do those Koeppen climate maps ever get updated? Or are those set and haven't been revisited?

  10. 1 minute ago, ORH_wxman said:

    There were a couple misses actually....one biggie hit CNE/NNE and narrowly missed us...I think that was on 3/12-13/14 and then there was another that destroyed the cape on 3/26/14....I think the outer cape had a legit blizzard with snow up to a foot and we got absolutely nothing. There was a sharp cutoff too...not sure there was anything at all west of the canal.

    Oh man, I remember that one that hit the cape now. We were watching it on the news at work. I remember looking at the NWS map and seeing just the cape with a blizzard warning.

  11. 1 minute ago, ORH_wxman said:

    Mar '14 was horrible....had like 4 inches of snow the whole month but it was like -6F or -7F....lol. I think it was the coldest March since 1960.

    Was that the storm that was supposed to hit on a Monday or so and was dumping like 16"+ until it went south at the last minute?

  12. 1 hour ago, Juliancolton said:

    I had mosquitoes and swarms of gnats during the day yesterday, and the moths were out while I was trying to get some work done by headlamp at night. Very annoying and more than a little alarming.

    This is one of the things that bothers me about people who say "if it's not gonna snow, make it warm": we need the cold to kill off these pests and keep the ecosystem functioning. It's not about your personal comfort level.

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