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Posts posted by Scorpion

  1. I have so much family in Puerto Rico and have been so many times. I know the geography very well. The interior areas are getting absolutely wiped out, never seen anything like it, it is like the apocalypse. Flooding on the rate of Harvey in only one day. The destruction is going to be unimaginable. It breaks my heart.

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  2. They don't, as mentioned in many of the threads many don't ever work in the field or many that initially do eventually move onto something else...the shiftwork bug bites many before the age of 30, particularly women as they don't want to work shifts once they're married and having children...I noticed a marked decline in my ability to tolerate overnight shifts as I got into my late 20s vs. my early 20s...it was an amazing difference in just about a 5-7 year period.

    That sounds like a terrible idea to get a met degree then... work harder than most other college students and get paid pretty much minimum wage unless you're one of the 1-5% that gets into the NWS

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