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Posts posted by Buckeyes_Suck

  1. 19 minutes ago, BuffaloWeather said:

    I still don't get it. I don't see it being an issue in Canada, Norway, Germany, etc...


    Germany blows us out of the water. Watch that video and tell me how you can disagree. It's fact after fact of them having better health care for half the price.

    Here's how I disagree.


    Here's the other issue to keep site of. We don't have enough drs as it is.


  2. Heres a great example of what I mean. I should mention that my wife works in healthcare, so she sees this everyday. https://www.healthsystemtracker.org/chart-collection/health-expenditures-vary-across-population/#item-out-of-pocket-spending-on-health-services-is-almost-as-concentrated-as-overall-health-spending_2016

    In 2016, 5% of the population accounted for half of all health spending. The 5% of people who spend the most on health care spend an average of around $50,000 annually; people in the top 1% have average spending of over $109,750. At the other end of the spectrum, the 50% of the population with the lowest spending accounted for only 3% of all total health spending; the average spending for this group was $276.

  3. Just now, BuffaloWeather said:

    When I was laid off of work I had to pay for Cobra, the premiums were outrageous. After that ran out I had to look into getting healthcare for my wife and I. We made "too" much on our tax returns the previous year so as a healthy couple in our 20s I had to pay over a thousand a month to keep our healthcare going while unemployed...There are no excuses this country is a joke when it comes to healthcare.

    I'll agree to disagree. I don't think that healthcare is a right. It's simply not fair that I workout and eat healthy and have to support the guy eating Cheetos and soda. I have no problem contributing tax dollars to those who cant help themselves or get sick beyond their own control but by far the largest contributor to healthcare costs in this country is diabetes and heart disease which can be largely be linked to obesity. These same fat asses are the same ones who are yelling from their couches to save the environment while they reek of their own methane...

    /end rant

  4. 2 minutes ago, BuffaloWeather said:

    There is a problem in our healthcare system when I go to Peru and get a parasite and am in the hospital for a entire day with my own room. Had 6 IVS, including antibiotic ones. Visits every 30 mins from nurses/doctors and 3 tests done to determine what I had and all it costs was $300. That in the united states according to my friends who are in the medical field would be $8-12k. I received better treatment in a 3rd world country, then I ever received here in the States. It was an enlightening experience for me. I was sicker then I ever been. 103 fever, chills, abdominal pain, I was crawling on the floor because I didn't have enough energy to stand up.


    Depends on what you have for insurance. My wife or I would have had to pay $100 outta pocket, which would have been covered by my companies FSA.

  5. 25 minutes ago, DeltaT13 said:

    I would rather bankrupt the country while helping the average citizen than do it while lining the pockets of billionaires.  Before the shit just hit the fan, Trump had us on course for one of the largest deficits in history while the economy was "scorching hot".  It's insane to think we were running such a massive deficit at the height of this supposed amazing economy.  Just think what will happen now as we actually enter a real recession.  Trump is a complete ****ing joke of a "businessman".  Corporate tax cuts at the height of our supposed strongest economy and still running nearly a 1 trillion dollar deficit.  The guy is the greatest conman of all time and has no clue.  

    What we have in America is fragile, just look at whats going on currently. What you're suggesting would turn us into Valenzuela which is completely absurd. The deficit dosent matter anywhere nearly as much as the record low unemployment and the growth in wages. The reality is that as long as we remain as a superpower we can comfortably  continue on into eternity at 2-4% deficit/GDP. Remember that almost 30% of this debt is owed to ourselves in the form of social security.

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  6. 12 minutes ago, rochesterdave said:

    I’ll bite regarding national health care. You say 4 trillion per year but I ask how much do we already spend? I’ve got a single policy through work that is relatively cheap; it costs me 340/ month. It costs my work a similar amount (slightly more actually) 425. The total is 765x12x300,000,000 Americans=2.75T

    We will be spending roughly that regardless of who administers. My argument is that the government (Medicare) has done a good job of it with 3% overhead. Private insurance takes 10% off the top and that’s only because it’s limited by Obama Care. 
    Everyone gets healthcare currently, in our society. The question is: how should it be administered. Who and how should we pay. 

    If you don’t have health insurance and come to the hospital, they will attend to you. They will file for emergency Medicaid and if you don’t qualify, they’ll bill you. If you don’t pay (you won’t be able to) they’ll send it to collections which WILL destroy you for 8 years or so. All for a heart attack. 
    Next you might say, “yeah, but I don’t want a government board deciding what care I can get”. I’d rather have a government board deciding my fate than a ‘for profit’ corporation. A government board is essentially elected by us. 
    There’ll always be anecdotal evidence regarding care but the best evaluation are metrics that can be compared. The US doesn’t fair well in these metrics. 
    It’s trite but why should we be the only advanced country without single payer? We can accomplish this. I too am concerned about debt (Trump just floated a .85T stimulus plan) but we can save in other areas. I’d start with the military. But that’s a whole nuther convo 

    Current Healthcare industry is $3.8T. My work for example pays up to $1200/month/employee for healthcare, considerably more than yours. My wifes is the same. I wrote $4T because you now have to add in the additional uninsured, plus with no copays you will drive up demand for drs which will drive up costs.

  7. 5 hours ago, WNash said:

    The tax cuts of the last few years have added trillions of dollars to the national debt ($3 trillion as of last year). This happened in an expansionary economy, when the national debt should be shrinking. Deficit scolds didn’t cry about how we are bankrupting the country. Why? Because it’s impossible to bankrupt the country. The fed added $1.5 trillion to the monetary supply just last week, and no one screamed about inflation, because an increase in the monetary supply does not actually increase consumer prices.

    Your argument is a moral argument, not an economic one. That moral argument is about to get a very serious challenge, as tens of millions of Americans will he unemployed very soon through absolutely no fault of their own. They’ll find that unemployment and food stamps benefits have been cut dramatically. With no income, what are they going to do? These are hard working people in jobs providing services that have no demand. How are they going to pay rent, pay for food, medicine? Capitalism is giving us the empty shelves that are supposed to be the product of communism.

    The money is there. It has been taken by the very rich at the expense of everyone else. The graphs in this story shocked me out of complacency:


    There are about to be millions of very hungry and very angry Americans. I lived in NYC on 9/11 and I was far less scared that day than I am now.

    Few counterpoints...

    "added trillions of dollars to the national debt ($3 trillion as of last year)"

    Universal healthcare would add $4 trillion per year and rise year after year. No tax plan I've seen proposed makes up for that. A better way to go after the deficit is exactly what this administration is doing and stop giving handouts to the rest of the world while allowing them to rape us with tariffs. Italy has universal healthcare...My former coworkers from Canada paid to get treatment here because its so bad there.

    "They’ll find that unemployment and food stamps benefits have been cut dramatically. With no income, what are they going to do? These are hard working people in jobs providing services that have no demand. How are they going to pay rent, pay for food, medicine? Capitalism is giving us the empty shelves that are supposed to be the product of communism."

    Two things wrong with this.

    1-There is always work to those who want it. I cant hire guys to make $50-90k a year fast enough, instead I have to sub work at $65 an hour. I've worked non stop since I started at the farmers market at 13 and since then have don everything from selling cellphones to making cardboard to wrenching cars. If I lost my job today I'd be on Upwork subcontracting engineering services while looking for my next job.

    2-Empty shelves are being caused by panic buying, nothing to do with capitalism. If anything its capitalism that has my customers in the dairy industry working overtime to keep up with demand.


    Anyways...Go Bills! Hopefully theres still a season. They could always go WWE style and play in an empty stadium.

  8. 2 hours ago, WNash said:

    Honestly, Bernie’s the only one I respect. Trump has no idea how to beat him, because unlike basically every other politician, he’s not corrupt. But of course the Democrats, Wall Street, corporate CEOs, and their friends at CNN and MSNBC would never let him win.

    Not to start a pissing match but his policies would bankrupt this country. This country is different than the rest of the world because it’s so rich it’s social policies enable opportunistic sub culture. It’s this very inherent laziness that is why communism doesn’t work. With Bernies plan you’ll see the annual healthcare cost go up because of abuse of the social safety net, ie people will keep getting even fatter/drunk/drugged/diabetic than they already are.  

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  9. 3 hours ago, wolfie09 said:

    Starting to run low on meat, specifically chicken lol Even the party warehouse in Greece and Binghamton are out, it's the point I may need to camp out overnight lol Most places are out of stock by 10am..

    Our local dashes was wiped of all chicken, flour, rice and most dairy. Going to have to make my own butter...

    • Like 1
  10. I think the bigger danger that isn’t being talked about is what countries like Iran will do as the bottom of the economy completely falls out. We’re taking entire populations and pushing them into corners as hard as we can, and now expect them to stay put and starve. They will riot, and all the containment efforts will go to shit. 
    I’m surprised Putin hasn’t annexed another slice of the Ukraine yet. 

  11. 2 hours ago, BuffaloWeather said:

    I mean I can see it. Chinese citizens were trying to have a revolution against communism. The riots the last few months were getting international attention. A virus that puts everyone in containment and off the street puts a end to that pretty quickly. That country is messed up, thousands go missing each year undocumented. Anything is possibly in a corrupt government. 

    Or they created it out of fear of Greta. Air Pollution is down drastically since the outbreak. 

    kidding of course...

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