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Everything posted by SVT450R

  1. Yea natural variability is still dominant with an underline AGW component.
  2. Surface mass has continued to run above the mean on this DMI graphic throughout the winter. I don't know when the next GRACE update will be coming out tho. Here is 2013 for comparison.
  3. Call it what you want but when you continue to post statements that have no science backing and are complete hyperbole nonsense be prepared to be called out on it. It's no different in the weather forums when the snow weenies are on a rampage and are eaten alive over things they post. You haven't been around here very long so maybe you don't know how things run around here.
  4. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
  5. What's not to understand your numbers don't add up and are unrealistic. Should we just throw away observational data? I get it we reached the tipping point and are now in a death spiral so all previous data/research is obsolete did i get that rite?
  6. Why use math and observations when you can use emotional hyperbole instead.
  7. http://youtu.be/3E0a_60PMR8?list=PLrEnWoR732-BHrPp_Pm8_VleD68f9s14-
  8. Well considering how long ORH has been around these forums i would take his thoughts pertaining to climate change over anyone else in this forum since he is well informed and knowledged in the scientific literature.
  9. Many of us understand whats going on with the climate nobody is ignoring it but lets not act like there aren't some things that still need to be debated etc. That said you should try not to make false statements based on emotions as we try to keep this a fact based forum.
  10. Weatherguy you may want to take the hyperbole down a notch aren't you tired of being corrected on almost every post you make in this forum. Just an observation.
  11. I recommend going through the forum pages tons of good info over the years if you have a question just post in the thread to bump it to the top and I'm sure someone will respond.
  12. Still waiting for someone to explain to me how liking snow has anything to do with climate change care to enlighten me?
  13. To add to what ORH mentioned i also quantify an alarmist as someone who doesn't believe/understand natural variability and believes that all natural cycles are now over whelmed.
  14. That is a big problem with the media many always see headlines that blame a single event on climate change which takes away from the actual science. I love snow the most out of all types of weather but how exactly does that hinder my thoughts?
  15. How long until the CO flooding is blamed on climate change if it hasn't been already.
  16. There is a three letter taboo AMO that plays a role in Atlantic water influx's into the arctic this is not some new phenomenon.
  17. You posted images of warming at 300m-400m when in reality your warming area is some of the deepest areas in the arctic that is his point.
  18. I would have to disagree even Skier has pointed out a few pages back that this thread is a joke.
  19. Skier you don't understand this is not good.
  20. It's laughable the normal average Joe will see no difference in there life if the earth warms. I don't understand how people can act like we won't adapt to any changes if needed our technology is basically doubling every decade with no end in sight.
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