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Posts posted by Wxdood

  1. 16 minutes ago, wxmvpete said:

    850mb warm air advection continues to increase with 850mb frontogenesis that will support a band of heavier snow N&W of DC in the coming hours. What becomes the wildcard is the approach of a 500mb jet streak over the OH Valley overnight. At the nose of the jet, divergent flow atop the atmosphere will support healthy vertical velocities 12Z Tuesday. This is driving the snowier solutions from northern MD into eastern PA. The new NAM seems to feature similar setup.

    85mb Frontogenesis.JPG

    RAP 500mb.JPG

    500mb VVs.JPG

    Oof...  bad ass.

  2. 39 minutes ago, brooklynwx99 said:

    we still have 20 days in the month left, and you guys can certainly get hit by something in the meantime. but just for the sake of argument, here are a few months where BWI got a trace or an inch of snowfall... for the whole month. surprising, no? and these were all like 30-40 years ago, too. sometimes you just get screwed. I know everyone wants to have a reason for why everything happens, but it's as simple as that sometimes. Feb 1977 is especially lol-worthy lmao


    thanks for the reality check.  some posters in here need this.

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  3. On 2/22/2023 at 1:10 AM, fujiwara79 said:

    And this, my friends, encapsulates why so many people believe that every facet of life must involve a conspiracy.  They heard about it from randos on the Internet.

    Likewise on the other side of the political spectrum. However, on the red side, I can compile a list of “conspiracies” that were censored, put people in jail, among other negatives that actually were true all along! The cc conspiracies have all but fallen flat on their faces, but the goal posts keep moving years down the line… The government lies. The fact that there is no healthy scientific debate on cc makes me think we are going down the c o vid path with it. Meaning the “science” wasn’t to be debated, questioned, we had to do what we were told and believe everything that was said to us and if not, we would face consequences. It’s your choice to go along with it. Seems like you’re hook lined and sinkered with it, after reading your whiny posts in the mid Atlantic forum.. for example, the oceans are “saunas”.  How descriptive…

    I may question cc, but I am very concerned about the environment from every negative, oil rigs included. When the deep water horizon disaster happened I was beside myself. When I see what happened in east palenstine happen, but all the “environmentalists” and mayor Pete were either too busy in bed with Ukraine, or for mayor Pete, too busy worrying about how diverse our work force is, instead of going to at least SHOW UP pissed me off to no end, and should piss everyone off after seeing what that creek bed looked likeYou must question the response to that, right?  On the subject of oil rigs vs windmills - research the wind farm in Hawaii and how it is functioning today. Hint - it isn’t even operational and the power it generates, or generated, was peanuts. Oil has been around for a long time. Without oil we would be energy starved. Practices have come a long way. 

    The article above, how earth will be “unlivable” is absolutely ridiculous. Earth has gone through way, way WAY worse conditions. Earth has gone through so many changes it’s laughable that humans think we know what is going on. Live and let live, enjoy your lives, your offspring and their offspring will be fine. 


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  4. 23 hours ago, Cobalt said:

    That same NOAA found no conclusive evidence on the idea that offshore wind developments have contributed to excess whale deaths.


    No other coherent theory has been put forth to explain ongoing warming better than explaining the link between human-caused emissions and the rapid changes in our global climate. Not for a lack of trying either, as the trillion dollar fossil fuel industry has done their own research and has come across the same conclusion. In fact, they've been quite accurate at predicting the rise in global temperatures as a product of human-caused fossil fuel emissions.


    Can you explain to me how despite there being trillions in incentive to find evidence that disproves AGW, none of the major fossil fuel firms have ever presented such evidence? 

    Can you link to the papers that predicted these things? I could not find the papers that would have discussed the predictions you mentioned. 

    About the windmills, here is something I found from someone working on them. 

    Statements from a former Industrial Wind Turbine Technician November 22, 2022

    “All research into the seismic phenomenon produced by wind turbines is stifled and not funded. It’s called manufactured ignorance. Related research that is important is the study of pre-earthquake phenomenon. The seismic phenomenon the turbines produce are mostly identical and the two actually couple with each other. There is plenty of research into this. The best thing I can tell you is the companies lie about their vibration mitigation software. It only works during short coupling periods and at no time mitigates vibration from tower to ground. The software only controls over-torque, not regular vibrations.”

    “As an ex-industrial wind turbine diagnostic and repair technician, I can tell you we used to practice responsibility when considering spacing between turbines. This is done no more and the acousticians are lying about their vibration mitigation software. Reduced spacing creates constructive interference within the ground when different turbine ground vibrations meet. If you don’t space the turbines far enough from each other it creates not only an airborne phenomenon, a seismic phenomenon of greater impact manifests. Cymatics in standing water would make it visible.”

    “Wind companies adjust the pitch of the blades before a site visit. [by an environmental protection office responding to complaints] The less the blades are pitched out, the less torque on the machine, the less tower to ground vibrations, less constructive interference in the ground and the attenuation anomaly becomes less noticeable. The process of dynamic magnitude amplification is also diminished as to decrease the propagation area. These are the tricks of the trade. I know, I’ve lived them. When the engineers who designed the machines can’t diagnose or repair they called me. This is how I know they are lying about their vibration mitigation software. They say it prevents the seismic phenomenon. They also know the turbines are entirely too close to each other so they misrepresent the vibration mitigation software as what’s allowing them to ignore spacing between the turbines that causes the phenomenon. It has no name. The vibration mitigation software does nothing to diminish or stop tower to ground emissions at any time and is only applied during very short coupling periods to prevent over-torque to the inner mechanical workings of the nacelle. They claim the software allows them to put the turbines too
     close to each other because it prevents the seismic phenomenon. It’s an outright lie. They’ve fabricated that scenario to make more money from less land area. They know that anyone suffering from it will be diagnosed as insane. Fat chance any wind turbine diagnostic specialist would ever turn their back on that industry money. The spacing is also detrimental to the machines themselves and is the reason for the mechanical resonance disaster some turbines will face. The overall efficiency of the machines are destroyed and they randomly collapse. It’s about the money. None of these new sites are in compliance in any way, shape or form.”

    “We used to recognize the spacing issue as important above and beyond all other siting issues. That was before the direct drive units and before acousticians were given power over all scientific matters. The religion of wind power opened up and the industry chose to feed that for profit vs. not creating a public and wildlife health phenomenon.”

    “All new sites immediately seismically couple with pre-existing turbine phenomenon in the ground the moment they go operational. Before all this developed that was not happening. There is not a single turbine that we add to the landscape that won’t immediately add to the overall intensity of the phenomenon. The working model of wind farming has failed in reality but they’re going to keep this up for as long as they can dismiss the problem with made up scientific analysis. Sites couple seismically with each other now, there’s no fixing that and the site developers just continue doing it. They even hide the conversation about spacing from all politicians and the public. It is held privately between the manufacturers of the turbines and the purchasers of the turbines. There is nothing to prove that the conversations take place and all regulatory committees have absolutely no knowledge of it. If they did know the sites would never be approved. This is why the industry is pushing to skip environmental impact statements completely. It’s nothing to do with birds or the view. No EIS statement or investigation then they aren’t forced to perform ON-OFF testing that’s meaningful. They know the seismic phenomenon is the industry killer. They’re staying alive for now and trying to put up as many as possible before the scam falls apart. They can claim they had no idea and absolve themselves of any responsibility. The politicians can absolve themselves of it currently given the situation with the industry hiding it from them.
     We and the animals ultimately absorb the fallout while they get off scott free.”

    “It’s making my son very ill, I’m sick from it. When the turbines shut off we recover almost immediately. I’m eight miles from a site and can view it from my hillside. In other words, even if we started using correct configuration on all new sites going forward it’s not going to matter. They will add to the phenomenon regardless. One can see the phenomenon on the surface of bodies of water now. Distortion interference patterns of standing waves that disappear when they shut the turbines down then reappear when they go back online. That’s the observable test they refuse to perform because it’s proof the ground emissions are escaping the sites.”

    “I was involved with the industry for two years. I left once I couldn’t sleep anymore. I knew it had something to do with the turbine emissions so I quit and went home to raise my son. Before that I was and still am a master mechanic and diagnostics specialist. I worked for Global Energy Services while they were a subsidiary of Iberdrola. I was major operations traveling technician. I’ve been all over this country diagnosing and performing repairs and maintenance of many different platforms ranging from Nordic to Vestas to Gamesa brands.”

    “I won’t go back to the industry even though I certainly could. It’s also an extremely dangerous job. The media makes it sound like anyone can get a job with wind turbines. That’s so far from the truth it’s disturbing. One site might employ two mechanics and have three or so site managers.”


    or do you need a government-funded source?  The government lies. Fossil fuel companies are likely being paid off to show information they are told to show. The government has been incompetent the past 3 years and have worked with agencies to censor everything that opposes the “science”. So no matter how hard you look for info that contradicts the mainstream “science” you likely won’t find it because it’s been removed. 

    there is a big time cover up going on while peoples pockets are being lined up fat and people that go along with it and force feed it to others that believe otherwise are just helping them out. 

    do you think our emissions is the equivalent of 600,000 Hiroshima-level atomic bombs every second of the day? Cause Al gore said that, the creator of the global warming theory. 

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  5. 34 minutes ago, Cobalt said:

    Yet another fallacy perpetrated by the AGW denier group. Offshore windmills are not causing excess whale deaths, there is no evidence for it.


    As for the "every single doomsday prediction", which such predictions are you referring to? 

    Right, I’m supposed to roll over and trust the government, ipcc, etc that there is no other reason for warming other than it being from humans. The same government that has been lying and suppressing information to us the past 3 years about you-know-what… which conspiracy theories for THAT have actually come true. 

    um…. I don’t know who you get your news from, but NOAA has authorized-take notices for every wind company out there building off the coast from Maine to Florida. It’s a fact that they themselves are doing sonic blasting loud enough to injure dolphins and whales. You’re a talking head. 

    however like you probably know, the battery in nyc was supposed to be underwater in 2012, and the arctic was supposed to be ice free in 2008. 

    the picture is for one wind farm in New Jersey. You can find the authorized incidental take on noaas website. The take for this farm is 11 right whales that is “allowable” which is 4% of the remaining population of that species  multiply this by all of the wind farms in the other picture I attached and that species is gone  we are literally killing the environment to “save” the environment, and people in charge can’t tel us the impact of all the wind farms will have on global temp.  They say it “depends on industrialized countries like china and India” for how much of an impact it’ll have.  So we will completely change our way of life, put sensitive species in danger, among other very bad things environmentally… for an unknown amount of change?  Is that a good idea pal? Edited to add - can you tell me why noaa has this paperwork for wind farms when they aren’t killing whales? Asking for a friend, since you seem like you have your wind power professional cap on today. 


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  6. On 2/15/2023 at 5:33 PM, bdgwx said:

    Arctic sea ice was likely lower during the Holocene Climate Optimum and almost certainly lower prior to the current ice age. It is a testament to the fact that given a big enough nudge not only can Arctic sea ice go lower, but it can entirely disappear. And I don't mean mean go "ice-free" in the summer with < 1e6 km2. I mean literally go to 0 km2 year round.

    Anyway, per Walsh et al. 2016 (see also Walsh et al. 2019) Arctic sea is lower than at any point since 1850 AD.


    And per Kinnard et al. 2011 Arctic sea ice is lower than at any point since 600 AD.


    The arctic can go ice free all year? Based on what evidence?


    but but… Al gore said it would be ice free in 2008. Why isn’t it ice free now?


    how gut hooked do you have to be to believe the arctic can be open water all year?

    • Weenie 2
  7. 3 hours ago, wkd said:

    I believe one of the events predicted was increased flooding events due to a warmer atmosphere.  Maybe it's just news coverage (which I doubt), but it seems to me that in the U.S as well as numerous other parts of the world,  this prediction has certainly proved valid.  Even here in NJ, rainfall events of over an inch seem fairly normal.  I don't remember that being the case in my past.

    So you’re concluding we’ve had more rainfalls over 1 inch than in the past?  

    any data to support that?


    Are creek/river water levels in nj above, below, or at normal flows right now on the whole?


    reservoir levels? Surely those must be above normal now too.


    also, I think sensationalized news coverage is probably the cause of you thinking we’ve had more flooding events. Everything in the news is sensationalized now. 

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  8. On 1/14/2023 at 9:31 AM, SnOvechkin said:

    He doesn't make any predictions. The only time he even wanders into that territory he says "by 2030."  The unbelievable lack of self-awareness it takes to post something like this when you are on the side of "Children in North America and Europe won't know what snow is by the year 2015" or "There will be no ice on the polar caps in the summer" (It reached record levels in the southern hemisphere a couple years later) or "Seafront property will be underwater" (The bankers and climate fraudsters are still buying up ocean front property because the water levels haven't budged). Or the side that worries that warm temperatures -- associated with abundance of life would be something to worry about to begin with! Imagine thinking it would be better to slide into an ice age than to turn the entire planet into a tropical paradise!

    You're a bunch of lunatics. Literally worse than every other religion combined. Doomsday prophecies you merely push back by 10 years every time they fail to materialize. At least the Christians believe God is coming to save them. You think you need to enslave all of the non-believers or the world is going to end in -- what is it, now? Seven years?

    Please seek help.

    Spot on. 

    banks would not be providing loans for apartment complexes, homes, you name it in areas that are supposed to be underwater by whatever-the-date-is-now. 

    im sure we are all aware of the photo stunt our girl Greta had with the cops when she was protesting a coal mine in Germany. She was laughing and posing with them. In an interview I saw, she seemed clueless about the climate in general. She’s a puppet. 

    • Haha 1
  9. On 8/27/2022 at 11:27 AM, Ed, snow and hurricane fan said:

    The mass extinction event, if there is one, will probably be war(s) because some  places are becoming for favorable for human life and some places become more hostile.  Almost all of the SW past 100W seems unsustainable soon based on the trends.  Los Angeles and San Francisco can build desalinization plants someday, but that won't work well in California's Central Valley, Phoenix or Las Vegas.  Water wars around the world would seem possible.  I'd think most of the ECUSA cities will be able to adjust if the rate of sea level change stays modest.  Miami, maybe not.


    Famine in countries of limited military means to secure water would probably happen.  Probably not a K-T boundary asteroid extinction event, barring a major nuclear exchange.  My understanding is Siberia will become more favorable for agriculture, or the nation whose leader threatens first strike nuclear attacks may not need a war.

    California and the pacific NW won’t have to worry about sea level rise, their sea level is dropping due to the Sierra Nevada mountains still growing. 

    the east coast is sinking. Therefore the sea level ‘rise’ is more apparent.

  10. On 8/25/2022 at 5:22 PM, stadiumwave said:

    I seem to recall several almost promising there's no way we would not have a total Arctic Sea summer melt by 2020. Go read the forum in 2012. 

    I'd say everyone is a little lousy at climate  predictions. All that's ever remembered are the misses of the opponent. 

    Humility is good for all!

    Al Gore, the ‘expert’ claimed it would be nice free beginning in 08. 

    I don’t think that ended up well. 

    now he claims 600,000 Hiroshima atomic-bombs worth of harmful gasses go to our atmosphere every single day, without a shred of evidence to support it. 

    the planet will find a way. 

    • Haha 1
  11. 3 minutes ago, Wxdood said:

    Weather underground has stats for most big cities on their website, I think they averaged out all 10 years combined. Don’t think they had a median. Good info. Thanks 

    Edit - 8 big cities according to weather underground had their least snowiest decade in the 1930s, none of those cities had their snowiest. 2010s 7 cities had their least snowiest decade, but 5 had their snowiest. 

    what year did they start using dca for spring obs and data?

  12. 45 minutes ago, psuhoffman said:

    I think you made a mistake.  The 1930's was bad by that periods standards...maybe if you are using standard deviation it was the worst.  But DC accumulated 182.5" in the 1930 and only 171.9" in the 2010's for instance.  The biggest difference was the median though.  DC had 5 years with over 20" in the 1930s and the median snowfall was 19" for that decade.  DC's median snowfall for the 2010's was only 13".  

    Weather underground has stats for most big cities on their website, I think they averaged out all 10 years combined. Don’t think they had a median. Good info. Thanks 

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