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J Paul Gordon

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Posts posted by J Paul Gordon

  1. 32F Snowing heavily. Very wet and heavy. Plow came by and left sandbags at the end of my driveway--at least that's what it was like shoveling it! 

    NWS calling for 3-5 more inches. We'll see. At this rate it may happen. Bad forecast for the daylight hours, though, with all that hype about a big burst between 10 AM and 2 PM. They should have stuck with their original forecast for the bulk of the snow coming after 5 PM.

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  2. 33F, calm and nothing happening. Snow on street has melted. Maybe a half inch on the grass. NWS still calling for six inches for me. We'll see. I'm retired so no worries about driving into work tomorrow morning. On the other hand, if my daughter goes into labor tonight and its snowing hard, it'll be hard to talk my wife down. I'll have to bear personal blame for the entire (weather) event. 

    • Haha 2
  3. Still snowing here at 340' elevation. Smaller flakes now, coming dow straight. Not going to complain; the ground is white. Only problem was we had to cancel church for a big underperformer. Happens almost every year. You'll get a good one like we had on the 7th, no questions asked about cancelling, then you get something like this. C'est la vie en Nouvelle Angleterre. 

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  4. So when has the climate NOT been changing? We are in a warming spell. A significant amount of it is human driven, some is probably a natural thing. In my grandson's lifetime we'll probably be moaning about the pinwheels and fields of glass scaring the countryside and using fusion, hydrogen, and who knows what else to drive our vehicles and supply our power. No one can be absolutely sure how long it will take the oceans to absorb the excess CO2 and when we'll enter a natural cooling spell. The long and short of it is that the ice will someday come back (most likely a lot of lifetimes from now) and then it will melt and sea levels will rise, etc., etc., etc., ad infinitum. The climate keeps changing and the weather is fickle. Let's enjoy the show.

    Would I like to see some real 2015 like snow stretched over an entire winter? You bet! But I'm not going to whine about a beautiful 50F day with the low winter sun and long shadows under a perfectly blue sky. Maybe I'm just getting old and with a limited number of years to go, everday is good enough.

    Let's hear it for Christmas, white or green, and its message of hope born in the least expected place and least convenient time.

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  5. May you be at the hypocenter and me on the farthermost outer edge of it. Of course, your neighbors (and your near and dear) may not feel as blessed as you with hurricane force gusts. :maprain:

  6. 2 hours ago, weatherwiz said:

    January and February…into some

    of March that’s when our snow is. All this crap about December snow and “white Christmas”…is just that, it’s crap. It’s just mentality deranged from childhood fairytale stories of Santa recruiting Rudolph to guide the sleigh through snow and fog. 

    The original Rudolph guided Santa through fog, not snow. Guy who wrote it was supposedly inspired by a thick fog in NYC. Lots of stories about Robert May's inspiration in 1939, but that is one of them. So, yeah, let's stop with the "White Christmas" mania, especially here in SNE. Up north, its a different story, but fog and rain are more common down here. Let's start dreaming of a Wild Sou'wester on Christmas Eve.

    Sincerely yours, The Grinch. :grinch:

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  7. Snow in the late Christmas Eve Day into Christmas night  range in interior SNE. (Not for the whole period unless we get lucky. Anywhere from a wet couple of inches to something more significant). Rudolph told me.

    PS Average high temps here for the 10-15 December are in the 40-42 F range. Average high around Christmas is 37. So the AN outlook is normal to above but doesn't consitently hit the "torch" range. 

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