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Posts posted by BethesdaWX

  1. I liked this storm much more than the snowmageddon. It was light snow, so easy to shovel, and it was the first big snow since '03, so it was just special.

    Snowmageddon was a nightmare in every regard. Lost the power at 3am and since my Security System's backup battery was low, the alarm started Screaming and I couldn't turn it off because there was no way to punch in the code :arrowhead:

    I had friends over, and after 2 hours of listening to the siren I lost my temper and pulled the battery backup system out of the wall and cut the cable. Not to mention there were large tree limbs and even whole trees down all over the place on our street, so we couldn't even drive the SUV to somewhere with power. I never realized how heavy the snow was until I started shoveling Sunday, It took me 2 hours to clear out the Driveway and Steps, and I had already promised by elderly nieghbor that I'd shovel her driveway, so I was stuck with that as well.

  2. Man....this time last year, we were watching the radar fill in to the south, anticipating the arrival of 2-3 feet. I got so fookin drunk, underage and all. A great night for more than just the snow.....:devilsmiley:

    This storm was a probably the most enjoyable living nightmare, I hated it as much as I loved it. I remember looking at the trees around 6PM, they were already caked with snow, no doubting the inevidable. I was gonna have a COLD night ahead of me.

    I'll never forget the "craaaaaaaaaaack" every 10 minutes or so, beginning around midnight or so.....tree damage was the worst I've seen, beating out isabel. There were about 3 mature pine trees laying across heatherhill Court......on my block alone. Pine trees and Bradford Pears....they were hurt bad. All of my neighbors had some form of tree damage. Limbs, branches, and entire trees, just horrible.

    We walked to helmsdale road around 2AM. We had to turn back, brutal. Then started a fire, and lost Power around 3AM. I ended up measuring once an hour, which probably inflated my totals a bit. I'd love to relive snowmageddon.

  3. Ur right about wind......but at about 2am Sat morning it was POURING SNOW!!!

    Started here about an hour ago, to the year!!

    I remember being in a local restaurant about 7pm, and people stilll saying "oh, "they're" callin for some snow ttomorrow i think".....just shook my head and smiled at my wife!....lol

    Man I'll never forget last winter long as I live. Was doing treework for a neighbor the afternoon before the storm, he says "be careful, it will snow 6" tomorrow".... :rolleyes:

    When those first bands started pouring in, I did some things that someone my age should not do.....

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