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Everything posted by Wmsptwx

  1. Lol I’m honestly not that upset, you know me I’m big dog or nothing! But I wouldn’t mind some snow to set winter atmosphere a little! Hope you guys make out, love this subforum.
  2. 0.9 ….wowie zowie!!! Lol. This winter that’s actually a decent event!
  3. Why are all the storms so suppressed and awful then Sunday it rains lol?
  4. Cold and no precip is literally as depressing as it gets.
  5. In all honesty this is a weaksauce not interesting storm in any way. It’s like getting a light rainstorm when it’s cold.
  6. Lol woooo I’ll take my .3 and be happy about it!!! We don’t live in the snow belts of DC/VA.
  7. Big Ben walking off got me teary eyed and I’m not even a Steelers fan. Maybe losing qbs from my school days is causing it lol.
  8. Yeah holy hell didn’t know we had Brady and Rodgers right here in our own little subforum!! Maybe Josh Allen if talking arm strength lol.
  9. Where is Sauss? He’s like my favorite poster ever.
  10. When it comes to snow I’ve found Murphy’s law applies far more than it doesn’t.
  11. Haha I know dude, just being a smart arse. Hope we have something interesting to track.
  12. Lol I wish! We’d be having beers all the time b*tching about how cold it is!
  13. Lol nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I forgot I’m only one who isn’t south central pa.
  14. Lol what happened? Thought worry on this one was a cutter.
  15. DC right on edge in some of these. Northern MD may be a screw zone.
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