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West Point, NY

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Posts posted by West Point, NY

  1. 18 hours ago, Hoth said:

    Agree. We are far more likely to come to grief via other means. Climate change will introduce strains, but we're a pretty adaptable species. I mean, we survived 100,000 years of brutal ice age with primitive tools and tech. Doesn't mean it's a challenge we should brush off, or that I don't support conservation and adoption of environmentally friendly tech. I do. But yeah, I would put global financial meltdown and the breakdown of civil society that comes with it--usually accompanied by civil or world war--as my top and most likely threat. Even as we speak, things look increasingly alarming. Setting aside the disruption of supply chains this trade kerfuffle with China is causing, we're seeing the break down of trade ties across the globe and a move to towards de-globalization and balkanization. To make matters worse, we have several systemic risks flashing red at the same time. China's banking system is like a much larger and more dangerous version of ours in '08, Australia, Canada, South Korea all have deflating property bubbles and likely face a credit crunch, Europe's banking system is insolvent and has absurdly high NPLs (and will be hurt even more by the ECB's move towards negative rates), the U.S. has built the mother of all corporate credit bubbles, emerging markets have record dollar denominated debt and will be in deep shite when recession kicks in in earnest and makes the dollar appreciate against their home currency, Italy is a 10x bigger version of Greece and populists there are fixing for a fight with the EU, changes in market dynamics over the last decade (momentum enhancing passive vehicles, corporate buybacks draining liquidity, algorithmic trading) could greatly exacerbate any fall in asset prices and, finally, the central banks are largely tapped out after trying to right the ship for the last decade. The odds of something exceptionally ugly happening to global economy are exceptionally high IMO. 

    Rubbish. The seas rising less than 1mm a year are much more of a concern. I heard Obama wanted to buy a 15 million dollar mansion on the water in Martha's Vineyard and fellow alarmist Al Gore wanted a 25 million dollar one in Malibu on the Pacific. Fortunately, those 2 wise men realized the seas would inundate these properties in short order and make their investments worthless. 

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  2. 6 minutes ago, Damage In Tolland said:

    75-80 both weekend days even in the hills. Outdoor soccer tourney. Looking forward to it. No rain and cold like folks were mentioning 

    But yet in your mind you are disappointed the kids don't have to suffer playing the tournament in a blazing sun 90/72 environment. 

  3. 12 hours ago, RUNNAWAYICEBERG said:

    Anyone who gives up their professional career to fight for justice or whatever they want to stand for is ok my book.... regardless if I agree with him or her. People tend to be short sighted and either agree/like or disagree/dislike someone because it doesn’t fit their beliefs. It’s why we are divided more than ever. Sad.


    He gave up nothing. He got a huge endorsement deal from Nike and became the darling of the far left. He turned down an offer from the Niners which was the best he was going to get on the market because of the crap season he had. His girlfriend is a radical and turned him into an activist. So you can agree with his message but he's far from genuine. 

    • Confused 2
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  4. 2 minutes ago, West Mtn NY said:

    I agree with you. He on the other hand doesn't understand the need for AC whatsoever

    Unless dews are down below 55, my central AC is on as soon as the house temp goes over 72. With a breeze, I'll tolerate mid 70s with low dews. If I'm going to pay to run my pool filter 11 hrs a day, I sure as hell am going to pay to keep myself comfortable inside my house. 

  5. 8 hours ago, MetHerb said:

    If it's that warm, then most would use an A/C if they had it.  The problem is, most nights it hasn't been that warm.  When the outside temp is in the low 60s and your A/C set point temperature is higher than that, why bother?  If it's a window unit, it's going to just blow so why not have a fan blowing?

    FWIW, my overnight low was 59° and I ran a fan and felt perfectly fine all night.

    I agree with you. He on the other hand doesn't understand the need for AC whatsoever

  6. 9 hours ago, Dr. Dews said:


    I don't see the obsession with a/c. Up and in though, to each their own.


    Yeah. Much more pleasant to sleep in a sweaty bed and wake up to tacky hardwood floors under your feet.. Also great for my Samoyed dog who is suited for Arctic cold. She would absolutely love to live like a homeless man during Summer. 

    • Haha 1
  7. 1 minute ago, Ginx snewx said:

    Its all about the humidity, damp houses breed shit. I like the AC on when the dews stay in the mid 60s. Having your house buttoned up with zero outside air is not healthy either. 

    When not humid, AC day, windows at night. Plenty of fresh air. Dews over 60, I'm keeping the house 71 and dry

  8. Summer is a quarter of the calender year and some years May and /or October have hot spells. Hell it can be a soupy 65/65 out there anytime and I will flip the damn thing on to take the moisture out of the house. I hate sleeping when I feel clammy. You are retired, I am getting there. The things in life I won't tolerate are being uncomfortable in my home and not eating well. 

  9. Just now, Ginx snewx said:

    We use heat up to mid May my man even down here

    As I do here in SE NY but come mid June--Mid September I'm not keeping my house 70-72 without using AC a majority of days 

  10. Just now, West Mtn NY said:

    Dews are higher. It's not only him though

    I was living at a similar elevation in the Hudson Highlands and still needed AC most days of summer. If dews were low then the nights would cool but days still hot

  11. 1 minute ago, tamarack said:

    My kids in SNJ have it, and they did in Decatur, IL before that.  However, those places run 1,000-1,200 cooling DDs on average and my area less than 200.  Probably should've put in our little window unit last July in the swampfest like we did for similar mega-dews in 2013, last time we used it.  Cost/benefit for central air just doesn't work when the July average temps are 76/54.

    You got it!   I'm not sure that place has ever hit 90F

    I'd guess it has, more than once but not often.  Rangeley has touched 94, and reaches 90 about one year in three.  They're 500' lower but also 160 miles closer to the pole.

    You don't need anything but one portable AC in your bedroom and roll it back in the closet 85% of the summer

  12. 2 hours ago, Baroclinic Zone said:

    Hopefully my last Summer without Central Air.  We just got some quotes to have it done.

    Just the whisper quiet aspect of not hearing the abrasive noise of a window unit is worth the cost. I stopped using Central Heat this house I just bought near West Point. Hot water baseboard heat doesn't make me wake up with a sore throat in morning like hot forced air always did without running several humidifiers

  13. 42 minutes ago, Typhoon Tip said:

    JB over the years employs 'shock-jock' strategy to gain a followship via mass-media circuits. 

    Basic strategy that is exquisitely proficient in generating a reactionary-based following ... plying a society of minds too addled by conveniences and/or distracted by bombarding information stimulous...to think critically about said information that attempts to stimulate.  Simply put ...we live in an era where it is easy to woo large segments of masses, and the Internet is a perfect means for which to reach a lot of them all at once. 

    In fact, the Trump social-engineering campaign machine actually tapped JB on the should prior to 2016, for his checklist on how to use awe and mid brain primal fears to woo the "shimmering gallery of mediocrity" that really is our best deserving accolade as a peoples... those who also by democratic process gets to determine the "best"course of action in all scenarios. I love it  

    Didn't ya'll know that?  

    Seriously, he says that... 55% ( or so...) of people don't filter that objectively, ...they click and follow him,... he gets rich .. or earns a living anyway.  Not complicated.  We then have to field posts in here that resent his Tweets for twits antics... rinse repeat over and over and over again.  He'll always win in this culture with his tactic... best you can do? Ignore it- period.

    While I agree with much of what you state here, this mass hysteria, listen to me /vote for me or else mass Social Media outreach was weaponized by the Obama campaign in 2008 to get him elected. Realizing it's effectiveness, other's have attempted to emulate it since. Back to the pool on this summery, somewhat humid morning.... 

  14. 2 hours ago, powderfreak said:

    It's still 70s at 8pm... this time of year with the long daylight it's really only chilly when you are actually sleeping, like 12a-4a.  

    But just to get this right, you want high heat and dews so you can enjoy the outdoors after 8pm?  Why not just enjoy it during the actual day?

    There's no doubt in my mind if I polled everyone at the mountain today enjoying outdoor activities that today's weather would rank near perfection for them.

    So sitting outside on a  cool summer night in a sweater is unpleasant but when it's hot, sticky and bugs are swarming around your head, everything is nirvana. You can't reason with that logic. It's either BS or insanity. 

  15. 1 hour ago, Dr. Dews said:

    We await the daily pic of a remote mountaintop with a coating of slush...enthralling.

    Maybe you can post a pic of someone trying to enjoy their backyard and having to swat gnats and mosquitoes from their face during the more humid days. Sounds much more pleasant. 

  16. 4 hours ago, TriPol said:

    If the wet pattern continues into the summer, we're likely going to experience a repeat of last summer which included a record number of days with the dew point over 70 with highs in the 80s. If I wanted minimal snowfall in the winter with hot, humid summers, I would have moved to the South.

    If you wanted reasonably humid summers and decent snowfall, one wouldn't ever have moved to NYC. 

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