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Posts posted by jculligan

  1. Good morning old friends! It's been a while since I poked into this thread. Does Phineas still post in here? With the avalanche rating forecast to be "considerable" tomorrow I'm hoping to find some lower angle glades to ski instead of heading into the alpine, and I'm curious about the snowpack situation in the vicinity of Crescent Ridge. I'm sure they did very well with the recent storm, but I'm hoping it fell on a decent enough base. 

    Down here in the Flatlands of southern NH we picked up 6" of incredibly moisture-laden snow. Decent event for the first week of April in this climo zone, but I was definitely missing the old cabin in Jackson for this one...

  2. Power is back after an 8-hour outage here in North Salem. I measured exactly 5.0" before accumulation stopped around 1:30pm. It's been snowing lightly ever since, but melting on contact for the most part. It does appear that we are getting into some better snow growth now, so as we approach sunset I expect things to start whitening up again.

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  3. Just now, 40/70 Benchmark said:

    You must be a bit colder there, next town over....of course.

    I moved down from Jackson NH last year, and I've quickly become accustomed to living on the 32/33F boundary now. This one has broken in our favor. I ran errands around Tuscan Village this evening, and there was a noticeable difference between even there and here (Exit 1 and Exit 3). Wild how it can be so different sometimes.

  4. 2 hours ago, alex said:

    This storm was bizarre. I thought we got downsloped but North Conway has quite a bit less than we do. They usually do very well in this type of setup. The notch is stunning though 

    I have a feeling boundary layer temps were an issue in the immediate valley, which is why the amounts were so much lower than you might have expected. They definitely got the QPF but a lot of it was probably at temps of 33-34F. 1000' higher at my old cabin in Jackson this must have been 20"+

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  5. Really missing the cabin in Jackson for this event! They've been under some pretty solid echoes on the radar for quite some time now; thinking this likely eclipsed the largest event I witnessed during the two years I lived up there (14"). I'm really interested in knowing how this treated the eastern slope on Mount Washington. Unfortunately, the automated station at Hermit Lake does not appear to be reporting at this time.

    Just a light coating of snow (not really measurable) here in the tropics of Salem NH. Up early to go for a skin at Crotched Mountain in Francestown NH. Man, I miss skiing out the back door lol. Definitely an earlier alarm clock when based in southern NH.

  6. Flipped to snow here in North Salem NH about 15 minutes ago with huge fat flakes coming down. Temp down to 34F and starting to accumulate on colder surfaces. We're late to the party down here (at least amongst the NH crew) but hoping to make up for lost time as temps continue to tick downward and we take advantage of a little extra lift in the vicinity of the coastal front.

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  7. Good evening NNE crew! Maybe some have noticed the lack of posts from me so far this season, and assumed it was due to the slow start to winter. While partially true...the real reason is that I have relocated to southern NH with my (now) fiance. Leaving the mountains was obviously a VERY difficult decision, especially since I just arrived in 2020, but this was an extremely positive life change and let's face it...there is more to live than skiing and (gulp) weather.

    Make no mistake, we will be visiting the mountains with extreme frequency this winter but our place of residence is Salem NH now. At least I'm still in the Granite State! I have a feeling our future will ultimately point north again at some point.

    I'm traveling for work this evening but on the flip side there was probably more snow tonight in Salem than there was in Jackson :lol:

    Cheers to an historic rally in the next few weeks...

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  8. Looks like a little shy of 10" of new snow at Hermit Lake on the east side of Mount Washington. I figured the western slope would get crushed by upslope, but that's an impressive number for the east side which normally experiences a fair degree of shadowing. There must have been some synoptic stuff going on in addition to the upslope. 40" depth at the plot.

    This isn't 2020 when the Hermit Lake plot had a 100" depth on May 1st, but the alpine is way snowier than last year.

  9. Remote station at Hermit Lake showing 6" of new snow accumulation up there, so this event seems to be smoking the east side as well. I skied King Ravine on Mount Adams this past Sunday, and I'm hoping to ski in the Great Gulf this upcoming Sunday...so keep it coming!!

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