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Everything posted by somnomania

  1. I'd never actually looked into the radar on that site, so thank you. But it doesn't look like it auto-refreshes or keeps settings re: whether the radar is shown on the map or not. Maybe if I made a macro that would refresh every few minutes and then auto-click in the spot where the radar button is, it might work.
  2. So I'm here on behalf of my dad, who isn't technologically inclined at ALL. One of his primary day to day complaints is that it's very difficult to find a radar when he wants one on TV, including on the Weather Channel. He ends up coming to me or my mom so we can look online. I have a potato-quality tablet that isn't good for much, and I'd like to set it up in his room and just have it show a radar at all times without having to be refreshed, but so far I haven't found a site that auto-refreshes with current info like that. Wunderground is the primary site I use, and while the weather station data has a radar, it's too small, and the Wundermap doesn't update itself. Anyone know of a site that might help me?
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