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About ryanmkay

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  1. Stronger LP also. GFS has been pretty consistent with the heavy snow axis for the most part. Very eager to see the next runs with sampling.
  2. JymGanahlRocks...I see you've migrated from WXDisco
  3. Honestly looking forward to next weeks storm also. Grand Rapids WFO said it is the more significant snow.
  4. SREF plumes took a pretty big jump...mean is 6.3 and some totals exceed 10"
  5. I would take 7.9 and run as fast as I could.
  6. Good trend in the right direction at least. NAM at hour 78 is like the GFS at hour 300.
  7. I was in panic this morning, lol. I was even a donor but didn't do a whole lot to get me on there :). 68 pages worth of great info, no longer accessible. I've been trying to find the EURO maps and no dice so far aside from the MSLP map with LP positions. I know a lot of the data from the latest runs will obviously have the southern stream as the prominent force in this storm as the other energy is still not sampled. I think there may be a phasing issue with this storm as well. Here's to hoping late tonight, early Thurs. the sampling gets a good handle on this. I was cautiously optimistic for our area and I can see why no mets are really doing much with this until they have the data from the WC energy.
  8. Hi all, just joining the page as WXDisco page crashed last night and still doesn't have it up and running. Came over from WeatherMatrix then to Accuweather forums. Trying to get up to speed as far as runs from last night. Went to bed with 7-11 and woke up this morning to 2-4. I did read that the model runs from yesterday/last night needed to be taken with a grain of salt as the current energy for the thursday system has been sampled and is skewing the energy of the coast. Once that is sampled they stated to look for the corrections back in the original direction with some obvious slight shifts.
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