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Deer Whisperer

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Everything posted by Deer Whisperer

  1. most people in here drink a lot, complain about not enough snow, then go hunting for more beer to subdue their sadness about winter being over
  2. i ignored your account for a reason, opened one message just bc there was nothing else to look at rn...
  3. that was my thought process. be a little south and get some more qpf in the area, then slight bump north
  4. that actually doesn't look bad, seems to me like the thin strip of goods is larger on 18z, just a little south
  5. visual? actually i take it back, ji said off hour euro runs are trash
  6. it will never cease to amaze me just how much snow the mountains in California get
  7. i try to treat every one like its the last one... which is why if i look outside and cant see flake immediately i run outside to check if it stopped somehow
  8. also found it kinda funny how rgem has the Saturday storm but nam doesnt
  9. I feel comfortable after i get a final measurement that’s at relatively close to what i was hoping for
  10. im excited personally. i know they're all still too far out to be sure of anything but I'd imagine at least one will hit. all 3 would be awesome
  11. are people not aware this thread exists or do we always have discussion about the same threats in multiple threads? ive only been on here for like 2 months so im new to this
  12. rain/sleet mix. Didn’t think I’d see any more sleet falling but here we are edit: might’ve just been where i was standing outside of my house. On the road now and no sleet
  13. rain, rain, go away, come again when its above 40 degrees
  14. super quick change to sleet and pixie dust
  15. temp dropped 4 degrees in 30 minutes, pretty cool
  16. deck is already coated, down a degree since onset. dew point up to 26 as well
  17. heavier flurries edit: officially light snow now. radar filled in crazy fast
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